DBH , DSP INTERACT DBH DSP 4@CD DSP 4@CD (@( @card@@CD mg/@NN kg@NN I.@NP P.@NP )@) cuased@VVD a@DT decrease@NN in@IN the@DT dopamine-beta-@NN hydroxylase (@( DBH )@) activity@NN in@IN the@DT rat@NN brain@NN and@CC heart@NN .@SENT AANAT , GALR2 , SFRS2 , TK1 INTERACT SFRS2 TK1 Genomic@JJ clone@NNS span@VVG distal@JJ 17q24-proximal@JJ 17q25@NN be@VBD organize@VVN into@IN a@DT contig@NN with@IN two@CD gap@NNS that@WDT encompass@VVD @card@@CD existing@JJ genetic@JJ marker@NNS ,@, 8@CD know@VVN gene@NNS (@( GALR2 ,@, AANAT ,@, ENVL@NP ,@, SFRS2 ,@, SEC14L@NP ,@, DNAH17@NP ,@, API4@NP ,@, and@CC TK1 )@) ,@, and@CC @card@@CD previously@RB identify@VVN express@VVN sequence@NN tag@NNS .@SENT SP1 , TFAP2A , TFAP2C INTERACT TFAP2A SP1 we@PP show@VVP here@RB that@IN/that the@DT proximal@JJ promoter@NN also@RB bind@VVZ AP-2 strongly@RB and@CC specifically@RB to@TO two@CD site@NNS ,@, one@CD of@IN which@WDT overlap@VVZ the@DT Sp1 proximal@JJ suppressor@NN site@NN .@SENT MPO , SERPINE1 NOT INTERACT MPO SERPINE1 total@JJ content@NN and@CC extracellular@JJ concentration@NN of@IN myeloperoxidase (@( MPO )@) ,@, eosinophil@NN cationic@JJ protein@NN (@( ECP@NP )@) ,@, histamine@NN and@CC plasminogen@NN activator@NN inhibitor-1@NN (@( Pai @card@@CD )@) be@VBD analyse@VVN by@IN Elisa@NP or@CC Ria@NP method@NNS .@SENT ADRBK2 , GRK5 , GRK6 INTERACT GRK6 ADRBK2 Overexpression@NN of@IN GRK2@NP ,@, GRK3 ,@, GRK5 or@CC GRK6 together@RB with@IN C3aR@NP in@IN COS-7@JJ cell@NNS enhance@VVD the@DT C3a-induced@NP C3aR@NP phosphorylation@NN @card@@CD -@: 1.9-fold@NP (@( p@NN <@NN ;@: @card@@CD )@) ,@, but@CC each@DT kinase reduce@VVD ligand-stimulated@JJ phospholipase@NN C@NP activity@NN differently@RB .@SENT BIRC5 , SP1 INTERACT BIRC5 SP1 unbiased@JJ mutagenesis@NN analysis@NN of@IN the@DT human@JJ survivin promoter@NN reveal@VVD that@IN/that target@VVG the@DT Sp1 sequence@NNS at@IN position@NN @card@@CD and@CC @card@@CD abolish@VVN basal@JJ transcriptional@JJ activity@NN by@IN approximately@RB @card@@CD %@NN .@SENT C5 , C6 NOT INTERACT C5 C6 design@NN :@: a@DT three-dimensional@JJ (@( 3D@JJ )@) anatomically@RB accurate@JJ finite@JJ element@NN model@NN comprise@VVG of@IN the@DT C4-@NP C5 -@: C6 cervical@JJ spine@NN unit@NN include@VVG the@DT three@CD vertebra@NNS ,@, two@CD interconnecting@JJ intervertebral@JJ disc@NNS ,@, and@CC the@DT anterior@JJ and@CC posterior@JJ ligament@NN complex@NN be@VBZ use@VVN .@SENT PLAUR , SERPINB2 , SERPINE1 NOT INTERACT uPA@NN ,@, uPAR ,@, Pai @card@@CD ,@, and@CC Pai @card@@CD be@VBD consider@VVN as@IN categorical@JJ variable@NNS ,@, each@DT with@IN two@CD cut@NN point@NNS that@WDT be@VBD establish@VVN by@IN isotonic@JJ regression@NN analysis@NN .@SENT ITGAM , ITGB2 INTERACT ITGAM ITGB2 we@PP find@VVD that@IN/that three@CD selective@JJ inhibitor@NNS of@IN PKC@NP ,@, structurally@RB relate@VVN to@TO staurosporine@NN ,@, largely@RB block@VVD both@DT fMLP-@NN and@CC phorbol@NN 12-myristate@JJ 13-acetate@JJ (@( PMA)-induced@NP L-selectin@NP shedding@NN ;@: however@RB ,@, these@DT inhibitor@NNS do@VVD not@RB affect@VV fMLP-induced@NN up-regulation@NN of@IN Mac-1 (@( CD11b /@SYM CD18 )@) expression@NN ,@, which@WDT have@VHZ be@VBN show@VVN not@RB to@TO involve@VV PKC@NP .@SENT CDC2 , CDK2 , CDKN1B , CUL3 , SKP1 , SKP2 INTERACT SKP2 CDK2 Biochemical@NP study@NNS show@VVD that@IN/that Skp2 interact@VVZ specifically@RB with@IN cyclin E@NN and@CC thereby@RB promote@VVZ its@PP$ ubiquitylation@NN and@CC degradation@NN both@CC in@IN vivo@JJ and@CC in@IN vitro@NN .@SENT CD14 , CD68 , FASLG INTERACT CD14 FASLG CD14 ,@, a@DT receptor@NN for@IN bacterial@JJ product@NNS such@JJ as@IN lipopolysaccharides@NNS ,@, be@VBD also@RB detect@VVN on@IN a@DT proportion@NN of@IN FasL express@VVG mononuclear@JJ cell@NNS around@IN the@DT damaged@JJ bile@NN duct@NNS in@IN PBC@NP .@SENT App , THY1 INTERACT App THY1 To@TO tackle@VV this@DT question@NN ,@, we@PP analyse@VVD the@DT expression@NN of@IN both@DT eNOS@NNS and@CC iNOS@NNS in@IN patient@NNS with@IN sporadic@JJ ad@NN ,@, in@IN transgenic@JJ mouse@NNS express@VVG human@JJ amyloid@JJ precursor protein (@( App )@) with@IN the@DT Swedish@JJ double@JJ mutation@NN under@IN control@NN of@IN the@DT Thy1 promotor@NP (@( APP23@NP mouse@NNS )@) ,@, and@CC after@IN electrolytic@JJ cortical@JJ lesion@NN in@IN rat@NN ,@, an@DT experimental@JJ paradigm@NN associate@VVN with@IN elevated@JJ expression@NN of@IN App .@SENT CDC42 , LPA INTERACT CDC42 LPA we@PP show@VVP that@IN/that serum@NN and@CC the@DT serum@NN lipid@NN ,@, lysophosphatidic@JJ acid@NN (@( LPA )@) ,@, increase@VVD Cdc42 GTP@NP level@NNS and@CC trigger@VVD MTOC@NP reorientation@NN in@IN serum-starved@JJ wounded@JJ monolayer@NNS of@IN 3T3@JJ fibroblast@NNS .@SENT HLA-G , HP INTERACT HLA-G HP the@DT adhesion@NN be@VBD partially@RB reverse@VVN by@IN mask@VVG HLA-G on@IN pEC@NN with@IN anti-HLA@NN mAbs@NNS or@CC by@IN mask@VVG the@DT HLA-G -specific@JJ inhibitory@JJ receptor@NN ILT-2@NN on@IN NK@JJ cell@NNS with@IN the@DT mAb@NN HP -F1@NN .@SENT REL , TF INTERACT REL TF electrophoretic@JJ mobility@NN shift@NN assay@NNS from@IN nuclear@JJ extract@VVZ of@IN peripheral@JJ blood@NN mononuclear@JJ cell@NNS reveal@VVD that@IN/that exercise@NN testing@NN increase@VVN NF-kappaB@NP (@( p50/@NN p65@NN )@) binding@JJ activity@NN to@TO a@DT NF-kappaB@NP consensus@NN sequence@NN by@IN @card@@CD +/@NN -@: @card@@CD %@NN (@( P@NN <@NN ;@: @card@@CD )@) but@CC do@VVD not@RB affect@VV NF-kappaB@NP (@( p65/@NP C-@NP Rel )@) bind@VVG to@TO a@DT nonconsensus-kappaB-like@JJ site@NN present@NN in@IN the@DT TF promoter@NN .@SENT MBP , MOBP INTERACT MBP MOBP by@IN morphometric@JJ analysis@NN of@IN the@DT optic@JJ nerve@NN in@IN MOBP -deficient@NN and@CC MBP /@SYM MOBP -double-deficient@NN mouse@NNS ,@, we@PP demonstrate@VVD that@IN/that MOBP play@VVD a@DT role@NN in@IN control@VVG axonal@JJ diameter@NN .@SENT CCL2 , CXCL12 , IL8RA , IL8RB INTERACT we@PP ,@, therefore@RB ,@, investigate@VVD the@DT in@IN vitro@NN effect@NNS of@IN DCA@NP on@IN human@JJ monocyte@NN and@CC neutrophil@JJ response@NNS to@TO classic@JJ chemoattractants@NNS [@SYM fMet-Leu-Phe@NP (@( fMLP@NP )@) ,@, complement@VV fraction@NN 5a@NP (@( C5a@NP )@) ]@SYM ,@, CC@NP chemokine@NP [@SYM monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (@( MCP-1 /@SYM CCL2 )@) ]@SYM ,@, and/@JJ or@CC CXC@JJ chemokines@NNS [@SYM stromal@JJ cell-derived@JJ factor-1@NN (@( SDF-1alpha/@NP CXCL12 )@) ,@, interleukin @card@@CD (@( IL-8/@NP CXCL8@NP )@) ]@SYM .@SENT RGS2 , RGS4 , RGS7 NOT INTERACT To@TO identify@VV the@DT molecular@JJ mechanism@NN involve@VVN in@IN the@DT sensory@JJ experience-induced@JJ neural@JJ development@NN ,@, we@PP perform@VVD a@DT systematic@JJ survey@NN of@IN the@DT localization@NN of@IN mRNAs@NNS encode@VVG three@CD subtype@NNS of@IN the@DT RGSs@NP (@( RGS2 ,@, RGS4 and@CC RGS7 )@) in@IN develop@VVG rat@NN brain@NNS by@IN in@IN situ@NN hybridization@NN through@IN postnatal@JJ day@NN 2@CD (@( P2@NP )@) ,@, P10@NP and@CC P18@NP to@TO adult@NN .@SENT ERBB2 , HRG , MAPK1 , PRKCD INTERACT ERBB2 MAPK1 when@WRB MCF-7@JJ cell@NNS be@VBD treat@VVN with@IN E(2@NP )@) in@IN the@DT presence@NN of@IN an@DT anti-@NN HER-2 monoclonal@NN antibody@NN (@( herceptin@NN )@) ,@, @card@@CD %@NN of@IN E(2)-induced@NP Erk activation@NN be@VBZ block@VVN .@SENT CCR5 , CCR7 , CD27 , CD28 , PTPRC NOT INTERACT CD28 CD27 previous@JJ study@NNS of@IN perforin@NN expression@NN and@CC cytokine@NN production@NN in@IN subset@NNS of@IN peripheral@JJ human@JJ CD45RA(-)CD8(+@NN )@) T@NN cell@NNS with@IN different@JJ CD28 /@SYM CD27 phenotype@NNS show@VVD that@IN/that CD28 (@( +)CD45RA(-)CD8(+@NN )@) and@CC CD27 (@( +)CD45RA(-)CD8(+@NN )@) T@NN cell@NNS have@VHP characteristic@NNS of@IN memory@NN T@NN cell@NNS ,@, whereas@IN CD28 (@( -)CD45RA(-)CD8(+@NN )@) and@CC CD27 (@( -)CD45RA(-)CD8(+@NN )@) T@NN cell@NNS have@VHP characteristic@NNS of@IN both@DT memory@NN and@CC effector@NN T@NN cell@NNS .@SENT C2 , C3 INTERACT C2 C3 Preoperative@JJ stability@NN of@IN C1-@NP C2 in@IN the@DT reduce@VVN position@NN be@VBD satisfactory@JJ but@CC with@IN regard@NN to@TO iatrogenic@JJ instability@NN the@DT C0-C1@JJ fixation@NN be@VBD combine@VVN with@IN occipitocervical@JJ fussion@NN by@IN Ransford@NP loop@NN extend@VVG over@IN C0-@NP C3 .@SENT CAV1 , STOM , STOML3 INTERACT STOM STOML3 we@PP identify@VVD a@DT stomatin -related@JJ olfactory@NN protein@NN (@( SRO )@) that@WDT be@VBZ specifically@RB express@VVN in@IN olfactory@JJ sensory@JJ neuron@NNS (@( OSNs@NP )@) .@SENT CD19 , CD7 , ITGAX , SPN NOT INTERACT Tumor@NP cell@NNS be@VBD immunostained@VVN by@IN a@DT panel@NN of@IN antibody@NNS that@WDT identify@VVD CD10@NP ,@, CD43 ,@, CD19 ,@, CD3@NP ,@, CD7 ,@, and@CC MHC@NP class@NN I@PP and@CC II@NP .@SENT CDKN2A , E2F4 , E2F5 , ETS2 INTERACT ETS2 CDKN2A here@RB ,@, we@PP report@VVP that@IN/that LMP1@NP promote@VVZ the@DT CRM1-dependent@JJ nuclear@JJ export@NN of@IN Ets2 ,@, which@WDT be@VBZ an@DT important@JJ transcription@NN factor@NN for@IN p16INK4a gene@NN expression@NN ,@, thereby@RB reduce@VVG the@DT level@NN of@IN p16INK4a expression@NN .@SENT MLH1 , MSH2 NOT INTERACT MLH1 MSH2 thus@RB ,@, 2@CD highly@RB unstable@JJ pediatric@JJ case@NNS show@VVD no@DT detectable@JJ MLH1 /@SYM MSH2 protein@NNS .@SENT CDKN1A , PIK3CG , PRKCE , SP1 INTERACT CDKN1A SP1 we@PP previously@RB report@VVD that@IN/that the@DT activation@NN of@IN p21 (@( WAF1 /@SYM Cip1 )@) transcription@NN by@IN histone@NN deacetylase@NN inhibitor@NN apicidin@NN be@VBD mediate@VVN through@IN Sp1 site@NNS and@CC point@VVD to@TO the@DT possible@JJ participation@NN of@IN protein@NN kinase C@NP (@( PKC@NP )@) .@SENT HLA-A , HLA-B NOT INTERACT HLA-A HLA-B the@DT author@NNS follow@VVD the@DT frequency@NN of@IN error@NNS in@IN serologic@JJ identification@NN of@IN HLA-A and@CC HLA-B antigen@NNS .@SENT EBP , MYC NOT INTERACT EBP MYC the@DT promoter@NN region@NN contain@VVZ consensus@NN binding@JJ site@NNS for@IN the@DT transcriptional@JJ regulator@NNS Myc and@CC C/@NP EBP beta@NN .@SENT ABCB1 , ADM INTERACT ABCB ADM method@NNS :@: the@DT expression@NN of@IN mdr-1@NN and@CC p-glycoprotein@NN (@( p-gp )@) be@VBD study@VVN by@IN confocal@JJ laser@NN microscope@NN (@( Confocal@NP )@) ,@, RT-PCR@NP and@CC Western@NP blot@VVP analysis@NN in@IN adriamycin-resistant@JJ human@JJ ovarian@JJ cancer@NN cell@NN line@NN (@( A2780/@NP ADM )@) and@CC adriamycin-sensitive@JJ one@CD (@( A2780@NP )@) .@SENT BLM , RAD51 , WRN NOT INTERACT crossover@NNS be@VBP rare@JJ (@( 5@CD %@NN )@) ,@, but@CC delete@VVG the@DT BLM /@SYM WRN homolog@NN ,@, SGS1@JJ ,@, or@CC the@DT SRS2@NP helicase increase@VVZ crossover@NNS @card@@CD to@TO 3-fold@NN .@SENT CCL2 , CCL3 , CCL4 , MIP NOT INTERACT MIP CCL2 we@PP report@VVP here@RB that@DT estrogen@NN significantly@RB decrease@VVZ level@NNS of@IN the@DT chemokines@NNS MIP -1alpha@NN and@CC MCP-1 /@SYM Je@NP in@IN murine@JJ mammary@JJ tissue@NN .@SENT C2 , MAPK1 , PIK3CG , PTGS2 , Src INTERACT MAPK1 SRC assay@NNS with@IN inhibitor@NNS and@CC antibody@NNS against@IN protein@NNS involve@VVN in@IN signal@NN transduction@NN demonstrate@VVD that@IN/that NAPS@NP and@CC Taps@NP elevate@VVD COX-2@JJ expression@NN via@IN tyrosine@NN kinase ,@, src ,@, PI-3@NP kinase and@CC PKC@NP ,@, follow@VVN by@IN ERK activation@NN .@SENT CYP19A1 , HP INTERACT CYP19A1 HP the@DT songbird@NN HP express@VVZ high@JJ level@NNS of@IN aromatase (@( estrogen@NN synthase@NN )@) ,@, suggest@VVG that@IN/that locally@RB generate@VVN steroid@NN may@MD affect@VV excitatory@JJ pathway@NNS .@SENT NGF , TRPA1 , TRPM8 NOT INTERACT TRPM8 TRPA1 take@VVN together@RB these@DT finding@NNS support@VVP a@DT picture@NN in@IN which@WDT TRPM8 be@VBZ the@DT major@JJ player@NN in@IN detect@VVG gentle@JJ cooling@NN ,@, while@IN TRPA1 do@VVZ not@RB seem@VV to@TO be@VB involve@VVN in@IN cold@JJ sense@VVG by@IN Mi@NP neuron@NNS ,@, at@IN least@JJS in@IN the@DT temperature@NN range@NN between@IN @card@@CD and@CC @card@@CD degree@NNS C.@NP IL10 , Nodal INTERACT IL10 Nodal the@DT logistic@JJ regression@NN analysis@NN show@VVD advanced@JJ nodal involvement@NN to@TO be@VB the@DT major@JJ parameter@NN affect@VVG the@DT expression@NN of@IN IL-10 (@( p@NN =@SYM @card@@CD )@) .@SENT CD14 , CD163 , CD1A , CD80 , ITGAL , SLA NOT INTERACT the@DT CD163 (@( +@SYM )@) CD14 (@( -@: )@) SLA DR(+@NP )@) subset@NN produce@VVZ high@JJR amount@NNS of@IN TNF-alpha@NP than@IN the@DT CD163 (@( -@: )@) CD14 (@( +@SYM )@) SLA DR(-@NP )@) subset@NN ,@, whereas@IN CD163 (@( +@SYM )@) CD14 (@( +@SYM )@) SLA DR(+@NP )@) and@CC CD163 (@( -@: )@) CD14 (@( +@SYM )@) SLA DR(+@NP )@) subset@NNS show@VVP intermediate@JJ value@NNS .@SENT CCND1 , MYC NOT INTERACT CCND1 MYC Thirty-three@NP of@IN the@DT successfully@RB karyotyped@JJ fibroadenomas@NNS be@VBD further@RBR investigate@VVN for@IN the@DT presence@NN of@IN amplification@NNS in@IN the@DT CCND1 ,@, C-@NP MYC and@CC HER/@NP 2-neu@NP gene@NNS by@IN mean@NNS of@IN FISH@JJ analysis@NN .@SENT GCLC , GCLM NOT INTERACT GCLC GCLM GCL@NP be@VBZ a@DT heterodimeric@JJ protein@NN with@IN a@DT catalytic@JJ (@( or@CC heavy@JJ ,@, GCLC )@) subunit@NN and@CC a@DT modulatory@JJ (@( or@CC light@JJ ,@, GCLM )@) subunit@NN .@SENT CD38 , CREBBP , IRF4 , MUM1 , PAX5 , SDC1 INTERACT SDC1 MUM1 an@DT extensive@JJ immunohistochemical@JJ panel@NN ,@, include@VVG the@DT plasma@NN cell@NN relate@VVN antigen@NNS VS38c@NP ,@, CD38 ,@, CD138 ,@, multiple@JJ myeloma@NN oncogene-1-protein@NN (@( MUM1 /@SYM IRF4 )@) ,@, and@CC CREB binding protein (@( CBP )@) be@VBD perform@VVN .@SENT Coil , MSC NOT INTERACT Coil MSC background@NN :@: a@DT non-invasive@JJ eye@NN track@VVG system@NN ,@, base@VVN on@IN pulse@VVN infrared@JJ light@NN (@( IR@NP )@) ,@, be@VBD compare@VVN with@IN the@DT magnetic@JJ scleral@JJ search@NN coil method@NN (@( MSC )@) for@IN saccadic@JJ eye@NN movement@NN recording@NNS .@SENT ITGB2 , PIK3CG , PRKCD , Tat NOT INTERACT Deltap85@NP ,@, a@DT dominant-negative@JJ form@NN of@IN the@DT class@NN IA@NN PI3K adaptor@NN subunit@NN ,@, be@VBD fuse@VVN to@TO an@DT HIV-@NP Tat protein@NN transduction@NN domain@NN (@( Tat -Deltap85@NN )@) .@SENT ERBB2 , GRB7 , Src INTERACT GRB7 ERBB2 growth@NN factor@NN receptor@NN bind protein 7@CD (@( Grb7 )@) be@VBZ an@DT adaptor@NN protein@NN that@WDT be@VBZ co-overexpressed@VVN and@CC form@VVZ a@DT tight@JJ complex@NN with@IN the@DT ErbB2 receptor@NN in@IN a@DT number@NN of@IN breast@NN tumour@NNS and@CC breast@NN cancer@NN cell@NN line@NNS .@SENT SCN1A , SCN2A , SCN3A INTERACT SCN1A SCN2A SCN1A be@VBZ part@NN of@IN the@DT SCN1A -@: SCN2A -@: SCN3A gene@NN cluster@NN on@IN chromosome@NN 2q24@JJ that@WDT encode@VVZ for@IN alpha@NN pore@NN form@VVG subunits@NN of@IN sodium@NN channel@NNS .@SENT CASP2 , CASP8 , CASP9 , CRADD , PML INTERACT CASP2 PML here@RB we@PP present@JJ evidence@NN that@IN/that caspase @card@@CD be@VBZ localize@VVN to@TO the@DT promyelocytic leukemia protein@NN nuclear@JJ body@NNS (@( PML -NBs@NNS )@) ,@, nuclear@JJ macro-molecular@JJ complex@NNS that@WDT be@VBP involve@VVN in@IN many@JJ scenario@NNS of@IN apoptosis@NN include@VVG DNA@NN damage@NN .@SENT CDC2 , Src INTERACT CDC2 Sr Recent@JJ technology@NNS and@CC investigation@NNS of@IN interact@VVG protein@NNS have@VHP show@VVN that@DT activation@NN of@IN several@JJ kinase@NNS include@VVG protein@NN kinase@NN A@NP ,@, protein@NN kinase@NN C@NP (@( PKC@NP )@) ,@, p34(@JJ cdc2 )/@NN cyclin@NN B@NP kinase@NN ,@, casein@NN kinase@NN 1@CD (@( CK1@JJ )@) ,@, mitogen-activated@JJ protein@NN kinase@NN (@( MAPK@NP )@) and@CC pp60(@JJ src )@) kinase@NN can@MD lead@VV to@TO phosphorylation@NN of@IN the@DT majority@NN of@IN the@DT @card@@CD serine@NN and@CC two@CD of@IN the@DT tyrosine@NN residue@NNS in@IN the@DT C-terminal@JJ region@NN of@IN Cx43@NP .@SENT HPRT1 , Kras , TP53 NOT INTERACT Kras TP53 the@DT mutation@NNS C742T@NP ,@, G746T@NP ,@, G747T@NP in@IN the@DT TP53 gene@NN and@CC G35T@NP in@IN the@DT Kras gene@NN have@VHP be@VBN repeatedly@RB find@VVN in@IN sector@NNS of@IN human@JJ tumor@NNS by@IN direct@JJ DNA@NP sequencing@NP .@SENT TGFB1 , THBS1 INTERACT TGFB1 THBS1 background@NN :@: TGF-beta1 bioactivation@NN ,@, consequent@JJ to@TO the@DT interaction@NN of@IN latent@JJ TGF-beta1 with@IN thrombospondin @card@@CD (@( TSP @card@@CD )@) ,@, correlate@VVZ with@IN matrix@NN accumulation@NN in@IN mesangial@JJ cell@NNS .@SENT HPR , PHB , PTS NOT INTERACT HPR PHB the@DT function@NNS of@IN these@DT HPr -@: and@CC enzyme@NN I-like@JJ protein@NNS in@IN the@DT metabolism@NN of@IN PHB be@VBP still@RB unknown@JJ .@SENT CP , CYP11A1 , Star INTERACT CYP11A1 STAR therefore@RB ,@, to@TO determine@VV the@DT mechanism@NNS involve@VVN in@IN the@DT ovarian@JJ steroidogenesis@NN impairment@NN ,@, in@IN this@DT present@JJ study@NN we@PP evaluate@VVD the@DT ovarian@JJ expression@NN of@IN the@DT essential@JJ steroidogenesis@NN component@NNS :@: cytochrome@NN P450@JJ side@NN cholesterol@NN chain@NN cleavage@NN enzyme@NN (@( P450scc )@) and@CC steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (@( Star )@) .@SENT ace , APOE INTERACT ace APOE DD-33@NP and@CC ID-23@NP combination@NNS (@( ace -@: APOE )@) show@VVD high@JJR odd@NNS of@IN @card@@CD and@CC @card@@CD ,@, respectively@RB .@SENT PIK3CG , Src NOT INTERACT PIK3CG Src inhibitor@NNS of@IN phosphatidylinositide@NN @card@@CD kinase ,@, extracellular@JJ signal-regulated@JJ kinase (@( ERK@NP )@) ,@, and@CC Src kinase reduce@VVD the@DT adhesion@NN and@CC migration@NN of@IN VSMCs@NP on@IN betaig-h3@NN .@SENT camp , NEDD4 , SGK1 INTERACT NEDD4 SGK1 we@PP previously@RB demonstrate@VVD that@IN/that @card@@CD specifically@RB bind@VVZ one@CD of@IN the@DT E3@NP enzyme@NNS ,@, Nedd4 @card@@CD (@( a@DT human@JJ gene@NN product@NN of@IN KIAA0439@NP ,@, term@VVN hNedd4-2@NN )@) ,@, which@WDT can@MD be@VB phosphorylated@JJ by@IN serum@NN glucocorticoid-inducible@JJ protein@NN kinase 1@CD (@( SGK1 )@) ;@: this@DT bind@VVG protect@VVZ the@DT phosphorylated/@JJ inactive@JJ hNedd4-2@NN from@IN phosphatase-catalyzed@JJ dephosphorylation@NN [@SYM Ichimura@NP ,@, T.@NP ,@, et@NP al@NP .@SENT FANCC , FANCD2 , FANCG INTERACT FANCC FANCG FANCC and@CC FANCG disruption@NN also@RB result@VVD in@IN increase@VVN clastogenic@JJ damage@NN on@IN irradiation@NN ,@, but@CC only@RB FANCG disruption@NN cause@VVD a@DT subsequent@JJ decrease@NN in@IN relative@JJ survival@NN .@SENT BCAR1 , CRK , Src INTERACT SRC BCAR1 inhibition@NN of@IN Src kinase@NN be@VBZ show@VVN to@TO reduce@VV tamoxifen-promoted@JJ p130Cas /@SYM BCAR1 phosphorylation@NN and@CC reduce@VV cell@NN viability@NN .@SENT TFE3 , TFEB NOT INTERACT TFE3 TFE Childhood-characteristic@JJ renal@JJ carcinoma@NNS associate@VVN with@IN chromosome@NN translocation@NNS have@VHP be@VBN recognize@VVN (@( genetic@JJ fusion@NN TFE3 or@CC TFEB )@) ,@, as@RB well@RB as@IN the@DT family@NN form@NNS of@IN renal@JJ carcinoma@NN .@SENT MYF6 , PAX7 , TPM3 INTERACT PAX7 MYF6 marker@NNS indicative@JJ of@IN satellite@JJ cell@NN number@NN ,@, activate@VVN satellite@NN cell@NNS and@CC immature@JJ fiber@NNS include@VVG M-Cadherin@NP ,@, MyoD@NP ,@, desmin@NN ,@, Pax7 and@CC Myf6 be@VBD elevated@JJ by@IN western-blot@NN analysis@NN or@CC immunohistochemistry@NN .@SENT NPLOC4 , UFD1L , VCP INTERACT UFD1L NPLOC4 the@DT VCP (@( Ufd1 -@: Npl4 )@) complex@NN mediate@VVZ retrotranslocation@NN of@IN emerge@VVG ER@JJ protein@NNS .@SENT C3 , GPR4 , Lum , MYLK2 , Rho , RHOA INTERACT GPR4 RHOA To@TO investigate@VV potential@JJ signal@VVG mechanism@NNS ,@, the@DT siRNA-mediated@JJ knockdown@NN of@IN GPR4 also@RB prevent@VVD LPC-induced@NP RhoA activation@NN .@SENT ABCA1 , LCAT , SCARB1 NOT INTERACT LCAT ABCA1 together@RB these@DT finding@NNS indicate@VVP that@IN/that hypercholesterolemia@NP and@CC LpX@NP formation@NN associate@VVN with@IN obstructive@JJ cholestasis@NNS be@VBP correlate@VVN with@IN an@DT increase@NN in@IN hepatic@JJ cholesterol@NN synthesis@NN and@CC be@VBP independent@JJ of@IN plasma@NN HDL@NP level@NNS ,@, LCAT activity@NN ,@, VLDL@NP synthesis@NN ,@, and@CC ABCA1 and@CC SR-BI expression@NN .@SENT ace , ACE2 , ANG NOT INTERACT so@IN ACE2 -angiotensin1-7-@NN Mas@NP axis@NN be@VBD consider@VVN a@DT negative@JJ regulation@NN in@IN renin@NN angiotensin system@NN (@( Ras@NP )@) ,@, and@CC its@PP$ significance@NN have@VHZ be@VBN implicate@VVN into@IN hypertension@NN and@CC other@JJ cardiovascular@JJ disease@NNS .@SENT INSL3 , RXFP1 , RXFP2 INTERACT INSL3 RXFP1 the@DT human@JJ INSL3 receptor@NN leucine-rich@NN repeat-containing@VVG G@NP protein-coupled@JJ receptor@NN 8@CD (@( LGR8 )@) bind@VVZ INSL3 and@CC relaxin with@IN high@JJ affinity@NN ,@, whereas@IN the@DT relaxin receptor@NN LGR7 only@RB bind@VVZ relaxin .@SENT BRAF , Kras , MAP2K2 INTERACT BRAF MAP2K2 here@RB ,@, we@PP show@VVP that@IN/that lung-specific@JJ expression@NN of@IN the@DT BRAF V600E@NN mutant@JJ induce@VVZ the@DT activation@NN of@IN extracellular@JJ signal-regulated@JJ kinase (@( ERK)-1/@NP 2@CD (@( MAPK@NP )@) pathway@NN and@CC the@DT development@NN of@IN lung@NN adenocarcinoma@NN with@IN bronchioloalveolar@JJ carcinoma@NN feature@NNS in@IN vivo@RB .@SENT BCL6 , MTA3 , PRDM1 INTERACT BCL6 MTA3 although@IN the@DT basis@NN for@IN differentiation@NN blockade@NN be@VBZ unknown@JJ in@IN DLBCL@NP ,@, recent@JJ datum@NNS suggest@VVP that@IN/that BCL6 bind@VVG to@TO the@DT MTA3 corepressor@NN might@MD be@VB involve@VVN .@SENT NGB , Tat INTERACT NGB Tat a@DT rat@NN brain@NN Ngb gene@NN be@VBD clon@VVN and@CC fuse@VVN with@IN a@DT gene@NN fragment@NN encode@VVG the@DT nine-amino-acid@JJ Tat PTD@NP (@( transactivator-of-transcription@NN protein-transduction@NN domain@NN ;@: RKKRRQRRR@NP )@) of@IN HIV-1@JJ in@IN a@DT prokaryotic@JJ expression@NN vector@NN to@TO generate@VV a@DT genetic@JJ in-frame@NN N-terminal@NN hexahistidine-tagged@JJ )@) Tat PTD-@NP Ngb fusion@NN protein@NN .@SENT AR , SELI NOT INTERACT AR SELI the@DT reaction@NN of@IN LAl(SeH)2@NP (@( 1@CD )@) with@IN LiN(SiMe3)2@NP result@VVD in@IN the@DT formation@NN of@IN [@SYM LAl(@NP SeLi )2(THF)2@NN ]@SYM (@( 2@LS )@) (@( L@NP =@SYM HC(CMeNAr)2@NP ,@, Ar =@SYM 2,6-iPr2C6H3@JJ )@) .@SENT LBP , REST NOT INTERACT LBP REST the@DT other@JJ high@JJ quality@NN trial@NN compare@VVN advice@NN to@TO stay@VV active@JJ with@IN advice@NN to@TO rest in@IN bed@NN for@IN @card@@CD day@NNS for@IN patient@NNS with@IN sciatic@JJ syndrome@NN ,@, and@CC find@VVD no@DT difference@NNS between@IN the@DT group@NNS .@SENT One@CD of@IN the@DT high@JJ quality@NN trial@NNS also@RB compare@VVN advice@NN to@TO stay@VV active@JJ with@IN exercise@NNS for@IN patient@NNS with@IN acute@JJ simple@JJ LBP ,@, and@CC find@VVD improvement@NN in@IN functional@JJ status@NN and@CC reduction@NN in@IN sick@JJ leave@NN in@IN favour@NN of@IN advice@NN to@TO stay@VV active@JJ .@SENT ICAM1 , IL18 , TLR2 , TLR4 , TLR9 INTERACT TLR2 TLR9 TLR2 and@CC TLR9 be@VBD report@VVN to@TO be@VB involve@VVN in@IN the@DT induction@NN of@IN CM@NP in@IN a@DT study@NN while@IN recently@RB TLR@NN signal@VVG be@VBD show@VVN to@TO be@VB dispensable@JJ for@IN the@DT development@NN of@IN CM@NP .@SENT INVS , NPHP1 INTERACT INVS NPHP1 genetic@JJ analysis@NN for@IN INVS disclose@VVD a@DT heterozygous@JJ mutation@NN of@IN TrG@NP at@IN position@NN rs7024375@NN in@IN the@DT 5'UTR@NN of@IN INVS in@IN the@DT patient@NN and@CC his@PP$ mother@NN ,@, while@IN no@DT abnormality@NNS be@VBD find@VVN in@IN any@DT of@IN the@DT @card@@CD exon@NNS of@IN INVS or@CC NPHP1 ,@, 3@CD and@CC 4@CD .@SENT BMP1 , FGFR1 , IGF1 , NOG , SHOX NOT INTERACT the@DT most@RBS notable@JJ regulated@JJ gene@NNS act@VVG on@IN osteoblast@NNS be@VBP :@: NOG ,@, SHOX ,@, IGF1 ,@, BMP1 and@CC FGFR1 .@SENT fat , PIGS NOT INTERACT fat PIGS the@DT objective@NN of@IN this@DT experiment@NN be@VBD to@TO examine@VV the@DT regulation@NN of@IN body@NN composition@NN and@CC lipid@NN metabolism@NN in@IN pig fed@NN low-@NN and@CC high-@NN fat milk@NN formula@NNS supplement@VVN with@IN CLA@NP .@SENT HFE , TF , TFRC INTERACT HFE TF Hemochromatosis be@VBZ cause@VVN by@IN mutation@NNS in@IN HFE ,@, a@DT protein@NN that@WDT compete@VVZ with@IN transferrin (@( TF )@) for@IN bind@VVG to@TO transferrin receptor@NN 1@CD (@( TFR1 )@) .@SENT C2 , C5 , C6 INTERACT C5 C6 Methyl@NP alpha-gentiobioside@NN (@( methyl@NN 6-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-alpha-D-glucopyranoside@NN )@) show@VVZ great@JJR flexibility@NN at@IN the@DT psi-torsion@NN than@IN the@DT other@JJ disaccharide@NNS ,@, but@CC the@DT population@NN distribution@NN around@IN the@DT C5 -@: C6 bond@NN be@VBZ essentially@RB unaffected@JJ by@IN substitution@NN .@SENT CD28 , CD4 , TNF NOT INTERACT H1-specific@JJ T@NN cell@NN clone@NNS from@IN patient@NNS and@CC control@NNS show@VVD a@DT CD4 +@SYM CD28 +@SYM phenotype@NN and@CC a@DT Th1@JJ cytokine@NN profile@NN .@SENT CASP1 , CD4 , FOXP3 , IL13 , TGFB1 INTERACT IL13 CASP1 IL-13 KO@NP mouse@NNS have@VHD increase@VVN caspase @card@@CD activation@NN ,@, lead@VVG to@TO increase@VVN production@NN of@IN both@DT IL-1beta@NP and@CC IL-18@NP .@SENT CS , Gal , TERT INTERACT TERT GAL Sialylation@NN of@IN 2-(trimethylsilyl)ethyl@JJ 6-O-@JJ tert -butyldiphenylsilyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside@NN (@( 3f@NP )@) give@VVD the@DT good@JJS result@NN ,@, and@CC the@DT resultant@JJ Neu5Ac@NP alpha(2--@NN >@NN ;@: 3@LS )@) Gal disaccharide@NN be@VBD successfully@RB use@VVN in@IN the@DT synthesis@NN of@IN ganglioside@NP GM3@NP .@SENT CTNNB1 , DKK1 , DKK2 , DKK3 , DKK4 , KREMEN2 NOT INTERACT CTNNB1 DKK1 in@IN colorectal@JJ cancer@NNS with@IN beta-catenin over-expression@NN ,@, Dkk-1 expression@NN level@NNS be@VBD significantly@RB low@JJR in@IN those@DT with@IN lymph@NN node@NN metastasis@NNS than@IN in@IN those@DT without@IN .@SENT C6 , Camp , LOC100137047-PL , VIP INTERACT VIP CAMP in@IN contrast@NN to@TO the@DT well-expressed@JJ PACAP-38@NN and@CC VIP effect@NNS on@IN cAMP production@NN in@IN C6 cell@NNS ,@, helodermin@NN and@CC secretin@NN be@VBD poorly@RB active@JJ as@IN camp stimulator@NNS in@IN this@DT cell@NN line@NN ,@, display@VVG some@DT activity@NN only@RB at@IN a@DT high@JJ 5-microM@NP dose@NN .@SENT ABI1 , C9orf156 , CDC42 , DIAPH2 , EGF INTERACT EGF ABI1 Consistently@NP ,@, the@DT ability@NN of@IN EGF ,@, Cdc42 and@CC serum@NN to@TO induce@VV mDia2-dependent@JJ formation@NN of@IN filopodia@NN be@VBZ increase@VVN in@IN the@DT absence@NN of@IN either@CC the@DT WAVE/@NP Abi1 /@SYM Nap1 /@SYM PIR121@JJ (@( WANP@NP )@) or@CC the@DT Arp2/@NP 3@CD complex@NN .@SENT HPRT1 , PGK1 NOT INTERACT HPRT1 PGK1 this@DT interpretation@NN be@VBZ confirm@VVN by@IN the@DT methylation@NN pattern@NNS of@IN the@DT hypoxanthine@NN phosphoribosyltransferase gene@NN (@( HPRT )@) ,@, map@VVN on@IN Xq26@NP ,@, which@WDT correspond@VVZ to@TO that@DT of@IN an@DT active@JJ gene@NN ,@, whereas@IN that@IN/that of@IN phosphoglycerate@JJ kinase (@( PGK1 )@) ,@, which@WDT remain@VVD on@IN the@DT der(X@NN )@) ,@, correspond@VVZ to@TO that@DT of@IN an@DT inactive@JJ gene@NN .@SENT ARF1 , ARF3 , KIF21A INTERACT ARF1 KIF21A Interfering@NN with@IN cyclic@JJ activation@NN and@CC inactivation@NN of@IN ARF1 by@IN overexpressing@VVG constitutively@RB active@JJ ARF1 (@( Q71L@NP )@) or@CC dominant@JJ inactive@JJ ARF1 (@( T31N@NP )@) alter@VVD the@DT distribution@NN of@IN BIG1@JJ as@RB well@RB as@IN its@PP$ interaction@NN with@IN KIF21A .@SENT impact , PAH NOT INTERACT impact PAH although@IN obesity@NN ,@, dyslipidemia@NN and@CC insulin@NN resistance@NN (@( IR@NN )@) be@VBP well@RB know@VVN risk@NN factor@NNS for@IN systemic@JJ cardiovascular@JJ disease@NN ,@, their@PP$ impact on@IN pulmonary@JJ arterial@JJ hypertension@NN (@( PAH )@) be@VBZ unknown@JJ .@SENT ACHE , NAV1 , TRPV1 INTERACT NAV1 TRPV1 these@DT datum@NNS demonstrate@VVP that@IN/that Nav1 @card@@CD blocker@NNS and@CC TRPV1 antagonist@NNS administer@VVN in@IN combination@NN produce@VVP an@DT additive@JJ effect@NN in@IN rat@NN pain@NN model@NNS .@SENT REL , RELA NOT INTERACT REL RELA these@DT finding@NNS demonstrate@VVP that@IN/that within@IN the@DT same@JJ neuronal@JJ cell@NN ,@, the@DT balance@NN between@IN activation@NN of@IN p50/@JJ RelA and@CC C-@NP Rel -containing@NN complex@NNS fine@JJ tune@NNS the@DT threshold@NN of@IN neuron@NN vulnerability@NN to@TO the@DT ischaemic@JJ insult@NN .@SENT CASP3 , TNF INTERACT CASP3 TNF for@IN TNF -induced@JJ apoptosis@NN ,@, the@DT anti-apoptotic@JJ effect@NN of@IN conidium@NNS of@IN all@DT isolate@NNS be@VBD find@VVN to@TO be@VB associate@VVN with@IN a@DT reduction@NN of@IN caspase @card@@CD in@IN human@JJ cell@NNS .@SENT large , SPEN INTERACT large SPEN Spen be@VBZ regulate@VVN by@IN the@DT Notch@NP pathway@NN in@IN the@DT lymph@NN gland@NNS and@CC be@VBZ require@VVN for@IN Notch-dependent@JJ activation@NN of@IN a@DT large number@NN of@IN gene@NNS involve@VVN in@IN energy@NN metabolism@NN and@CC differentiation@NN .@SENT CYP1A1 , GSTM1 INTERACT CYP1A1 GSTM1 previous@JJ study@NNS have@VHP implicate@VVN CYP1A1 and@CC GSTM1 polymorphism@NNS as@IN risk@NN factor@NNS for@IN various@JJ cancer@NNS .@SENT large , NANOG , POU5F1 , SOX2 INTERACT SOX2 POU5F1 in@IN particular@JJ ,@, we@PP demonstrate@VVP that@IN/that specific@JJ lincRNAs@NNS be@VBP transcriptionally@RB regulate@VVN by@IN key@JJ transcription@NN factor@NNS in@IN these@DT process@NNS such@JJ as@IN p53@NN ,@, NFkappaB@NP ,@, Sox2 ,@, Oct4 (@( also@RB know@VVN as@IN Pou5f1 )@) and@CC Nanog .@SENT ATP7A , MMP9 NOT INTERACT ATP7A MMP9 PMA@NN treatment@NN in@IN THP-1@JJ cell@NNS result@VVN in@IN increase@VVN expression@NN of@IN matrix@NN metalloproteinase@NN (@( MMP@NP )@) 9@CD and@CC vascular@JJ endothelial@JJ growth@NN factor@NN receptor@NN 1@CD (@( VEGFR1@JJ )@) ,@, whereas@IN inhibition@NN of@IN ATP7A result@VVD in@IN suppression@NN of@IN PMA-induced@JJ expression@NN of@IN VEGFR1@JJ ,@, but@CC not@RB MMP9 .@SENT camp , CRP INTERACT camp CRP CRP -@: camp -mediated@JJ repression@NN be@VBZ limit@VVG the@DT switch@NN from@IN the@DT non-fimbriated@JJ to@TO the@DT fimbriated@JJ state@NN .@SENT CCL3 , CCL4 INTERACT CCL3 CCL4 the@DT hepatotoxicity@NN of@IN CCl4 be@VBZ mediate@VVN through@IN its@PP$ initial@JJ reduction@NN by@IN cytochrome@NN P-450@NN to@TO the@DT CCl3 .@SENT radical@JJ .@SENT APLP1 , App NOT INTERACT APLP1 App a@DT late@JJ onset@NN FAD@NP locus@NN have@VHZ be@VBN map@VVN to@TO a@DT region@NN of@IN chromosome@NN @card@@CD in@IN which@WDT a@DT recently@RB isolate@VVN App -like@JJ gene@NN ,@, APLP1 have@VHZ also@RB be@VBN localize@VVN ,@, make@VVG this@DT gene@NN a@DT strong@JJ candidate@NN to@TO harbor@NN a@DT late-onset@NN fad@NN defect@NN .@SENT CCK , Furin NOT INTERACT CCK Furin PC1@JJ and/@NN or@CC PC2@JJ and/@NN or@CC furin may@MD cleave@VV at@IN the@DT dibasic@JJ amino@NN acid@NN pair@NNS Arg-Arg@NP at@IN the@DT C-terminal@JJ part@NN of@IN proCCK@NN ,@, and@CC Arg-X-X-Arg@NP at@IN the@DT N-terminal@NP of@IN the@DT CCK @card@@CD sequence@NN in@IN proCCK@NN .@SENT ITGAM , ITGB2 NOT INTERACT ITGAM ITGB2 this@DT study@NN be@VBD design@VVN to@TO assess@VV the@DT effect@NN of@IN neutrophil@JJ inhibitory@JJ factor@NN (@( NIF@NP )@) ,@, a@DT novel@JJ specific@JJ inhibitor@NN of@IN CD11b /@SYM CD18 on@IN hepatic@JJ leukocyte@NN trafficking@NN by@IN intravital@JJ microscopy@NN 5@CD h@NN after@IN hemorrhagic@JJ shock@NN .@SENT CD40 , CD80 , CD86 , TNFSF8 NOT INTERACT Primary@NP and@CC cultured@JJ H-RS@NNS cell@NNS frequently@RB overexpress@VVP intercellular@JJ adhesion@NN molecule-1@NN (@( ICAM-1/@NP CD54@NP )@) ,@, BB-1@NP (@( B7-1/@NP CD80 )@) and@CC B70/@NP B7-2@NP (@( CD86 )@) .@SENT LCAT , Lpo NOT INTERACT LCAT Lpo Blood@NP level@NNS of@IN the@DT follow@VVG heavy@JJ metal@NNS be@VBD measure@VVN in@IN all@DT worker@NNS :@: Pb@NP ,@, Cd@NP ,@, Mn@NP ,@, Cu@NP ,@, Zn@NP ,@, Ca@NP ,@, Mg@NP as@RB well@RB as@IN concentration@NNS of@IN FEP@NP and@CC GSH@NP ,@, SOD@NP activity@NN in@IN erythrocyte@NNS ,@, parameter@NNS of@IN lipid@NN metabolism@NN :@: total@JJ cholesterol@NN ,@, HDL2-@NP HDL3-cholesterol@NP ,@, triglyceride@NNS ,@, lipid@NN peroxide@NNS (@( Lpo )@) ,@, and@CC lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (@( LCAT )@) activity@NN .@SENT CD44 , PCNA INTERACT CD44 PCNA the@DT association@NN between@IN CD44 expression@NN and@CC replication@NN in individual@JJ cell@NNS be@VBD therefore@RB analyze@VVN by@IN double-label@NN immunohistochemistry@NN for@IN CD44 and@CC the@DT cell-cycle-dependent@JJ protein@NN proliferate cell nuclear antigen (@( PCNA )@) .@SENT CA1 , CA3 NOT INTERACT CA1 CA3 examination@NN of@IN brain@NNS from@IN six@CD rat@NNS per@IN group@NN reveal@VVD a@DT subset@NN (@( @card@@CD 6@CD )@) of@IN animal@NNS receive@VVG @card@@CD mg/@NN kg@NN domoic@JJ acid@NN with@IN degenerate@VVG neuron@NNS in@IN the@DT hippocampal@JJ CA1 /@SYM CA3 subregion@NNS and@CC gliosis@NN .@SENT F3 , IL6ST , LIF , LIFR , OSM , STAT3 INTERACT IL6ST LIFR since@IN the@DT IL-6@JJ family@NN of@IN cytokines@NNS signal@VVP through@IN gp130 homodimer@NN or@CC gp130 /@SYM LIFR heterodimer@NN ,@, we@PP have@VHP examine@VVN in@IN this@DT study@NN the@DT possible@JJ involvement@NN of@IN gp130 and@CC LIFR in@IN leptin@NN signal@VVG through@IN OB-R@NP .@SENT GDNF , RET NOT INTERACT GDNF RET take@VVN together@RB these@DT finding@NNS indicate@VVP that@IN/that GDNF ,@, RET ,@, and@CC GDNFR-alpha@NP utilize@VV multiple@JJ mechanism@NNS to@TO comprise@VV physiologically@RB relevant@JJ trophic@JJ circuit@NNS for@IN different@JJ neuronal@JJ population@NNS .@SENT CCL3 , CCL4 , CCL5 , CXCL1 , CXCL10 , MIP INTERACT MIp CCL5 the@DT expression@NN of@IN macrophage@NN inflammatory@JJ protein@NN (@( MIP )-1alpha@NN ,@, MIP -1beta@NN ,@, and@CC regulate@VVN upon@IN activation@NN ,@, normal@JJ T@NN cell@NN express@VVD and@CC secrete@VVD (@( RANTES )@) be@VBD at@IN low@JJ or@CC undetectable@JJ level@NNS at@IN day@NN 3@CD after@IN transplantation@NN but@CC at@IN high@JJ level@NNS by@IN day@NN 8@CD after@IN transplantation@NN .@SENT GPI , MPI NOT INTERACT GPI MPI Five@CD out@IN of@IN eight@CD soluble@JJ extract@VVZ of@IN leishmanial@NN promastigotes@NNS be@VBD electrophoresed@VVN on@IN thin-layer@JJ starch@NN gel@NNS and@CC examine@VVN for@IN the@DT enzyme@NN MPI ,@, Mannose@NP Phosphate@NP Isomerase ;@: MDH@NP ,@, Malate@NP Dehydrogenase@NP ;@: 6PGD@JJ ,@, 6@CD Phosphogluconate@NP Dehydrogenase@NP ;@: NH@NP ,@, Nucleoside@NP Hydrolase@NP ,@, 2-deoxyinosine@JJ as@IN substrate@NN ;@: SOD@NP ,@, Superoxide@NP Dismutase@NP ;@: GPI ,@, Glucose phosphate Isomerase and@CC ES@NP ,@, Esterase@NP .@SENT CDC2 , CDK2 , ID2 , ID3 INTERACT CDK2 ID3 Cdk2 -dependent@NN phosphorylation@NN therefore@RB provide@VVZ a@DT switch@NN during@IN late@JJ G1-to-S@NP phase@NN that@IN/that both@DT nullify@VVZ an@DT early@JJ G1@JJ cell@NN cycle@NN regulatory@JJ function@NN of@IN Id3 and@CC modulate@VVZ its@PP$ target@NN bHLH@NN specificity@NN .@SENT ANG , SPP1 , TGFB1 NOT INTERACT ANG TGFB1 therefore@RB ,@, we@PP investigate@VVD whether@IN Ang II@NP directly@RB affect@VVZ the@DT collagen@NN mRNA@NN content@NN in@IN the@DT human@JJ myocardium@NN and@CC in@IN isolated@JJ human@JJ cardiac@JJ fibroblast@NNS or@CC whether@IN the@DT growth@NN factor@NNS TGFbeta @card@@CD and@CC osteopontin@NN be@VBP involve@VVN in@IN this@DT process@NN .@SENT CCR5 , CD69 , CXCR4 , PTPRC INTERACT CD69 CXCR4 as@IN the@DT adenoidal@JJ CD4(+@NN )@) memory@NN phenotype@NN CD45RO(+@NP )@) T@NN cell@NNS express@VVD the@DT activation@NN antigen@NN CD69 and@CC include@VVD cell@NNS express@VVG the@DT HIV@NP co-receptors@NNS CXCR4 and@CC CCR5 at@IN a@DT high@JJ level@NN ,@, they@PP may@MD be@VB permissive@JJ for@IN HIV@NP infection@NN .@SENT AKT1 , CCL2 , PI3 INTERACT PI3 AKT1 in@IN this@DT study@NN ,@, we@PP examine@VVP the@DT involvement@NN of@IN the@DT phosphatidylinositol-3-OH@NN kinase@NN (@( PI3 -kinase)-@NN Akt /@SYM PKB pathway@NN .@SENT IRS1 , MAPK1 INTERACT IRS1 MAPK1 indeed@RB ,@, in@IN the@DT absence@NN of@IN insulin ,@, the@DT adhesion-mediated@JJ response@NN be@VBZ linearly@RB proportional@JJ to@TO ERK2 activation@NN over@IN a@DT broad@JJ range@NN of@IN stimulatory@JJ Fn@NP and@CC MEK@NP inhibitor@NN amount@NNS .@SENT CDK4 , MDM2 , PLAG1 NOT INTERACT other@JJ rearrangement@NNS that@WDT be@VBD reveal@VVN by@IN fish@NN include@VVD amplification@NN of@IN 12q@JJ sequence@NNS (@( MDM2 and@CC CDK4 )@) in@IN one@CD Pa@NP .@SENT CRH , POMC NOT INTERACT CRH POMC Measured@NN in@IN umbilical@JJ vessel@NNS ,@, CRH as@RB well@RB as@IN ACTH concentration@NNS be@VBD high@JJR in@IN the@DT umbilical@JJ vein@NN than@IN artery@NN .@SENT CD14 , CXCL10 , STAT1 NOT INTERACT CD14 CXCL10 METHODS@NP and@CC Results@NP :@: peripheral@JJ blood@NN mononuclear@JJ cell@NNS be@VBD stain@VVN for@IN expression@NN of@IN CD64@NP on@IN CD14 (@( +@SYM )@) monocyte@NNS and@CC analyze@VVD by@IN PCR@NP for@IN transcription@NN of@IN IP-10 .@SENT LEP , TYR INTERACT LEP TYR Modeling@NP reveal@VVD that@IN/that Eur@NN m@NN 2@CD ,@, Lep d@SYM 2@CD and@CC Tyr p@NN 2@CD retain@VVP the@DT tertiary@JJ fold@VV of@IN Der@NP p@NN 2@CD and@CC the@DT substitution@NNS be@VBP on@IN the@DT surface@NN .@SENT AGTR2 , Ang , NTS INTERACT ANG NTS Ang II@NP injection@NNS (@( @card@@CD fmol/@NN @card@@CD nL@NN )@) into@IN the@DT nTS reduce@VVD blood@NN pressure@NN by@IN 14+/@JJ @card@@CD mm@NP Hg@NP and@CC heart@NN rate@NN by@IN 13+/@JJ @card@@CD bpm@NN (@( n=8@NN )@) in@IN male@JJ Sprague-Dawley@NP rat@NNS anesthetize@VVN with@IN chloralose/@JJ urethane@NN .@SENT CA1 , GIF , PRNP INTERACT PRNP CA1 To@TO explore@VV the@DT possible@JJ neurophysiological@JJ property@NNS associate@VVN with@IN expression@NN or@CC absence@NN of@IN the@DT normal@JJ isoform@NN of@IN the@DT cellular@JJ prion protein (@( PrPC@NP )@) ,@, we@PP use@VVD conventional@JJ in@IN Vitro@NP extracellular@JJ field@NN potential@JJ recording@NNS in@IN the@DT hippocampal@JJ CA1 area@NN of@IN mouse@NNS from@IN two@CD independently-derived@JJ Prnp0/@NP 0@CD strain@NNS .@SENT BMP4 , BMP7 , FBN2 NOT INTERACT BMP7 FBN2 on@IN the@DT other@JJ hand@NN ,@, mouse@NNS double@RB heterozygous@JJ for@IN null@JJ Fbn2 and@CC Bmp7 allele@NNS display@VVP the@DT combined@JJ digit@NN phenotype@NN of@IN both@DT nullizygotes@NNS .@SENT crop , GPI , PGD NOT INTERACT GPI PGD the@DT analysis@NN use@VVD starch@NN gel@NN electrophoresis@NN with@IN the@DT enzyme@NNS ACO@NP ,@, GPI ,@, MDH@NP ,@, PGD and@CC PGM@NN and@CC result@VVD in@IN one@CD fix@VVN locus@NN and@CC seven@CD polymorphic@JJ locus@NNS .@SENT FAS , SLC27A1 , TG NOT INTERACT the@DT result@NNS indicate@VVP that@IN/that exogenously@RB supply@VVN FAs ,@, and@CC their@PP$ subsequently@RB produce@VVN acyl-CoAs@NNS ,@, be@VBP preferentially@RB channel@VVD by@IN an@DT FATP1 link@VVN mechanism@NN into@IN the@DT TG biosynthetic@JJ pathway@NN and@CC that@DT such@JJ internalize@VVN lipid@NNS down-regulate@JJ de@NP novo@NN Sm@NN and@CC cholesterol@NN metabolism@NN in@IN actively@RB grow@VVG @card@@CD cell@NNS .@SENT IGF1R , NOS3 INTERACT IGF1R NOS3 in@IN diabetic@NNS ,@, insulin treatment@NN significantly@RB increase@VVD the@DT aortic@JJ expression@NNS of@IN endothelial nitric oxide synthase (@( eNOS )@) mRNA@NP and@CC VEGF@NP mRNA@NP .@SENT CALU , CFTR , PRKAG1 INTERACT CFTR PRKAG1 the@DT metabolic@JJ sensor@NN AMP-activated@JJ kinase (@( AMPK@NP )@) bind@NNS to@TO and@CC phosphorylates@NNS CFTR ,@, co-localizes@VVZ with@IN it@PP in@IN various@JJ tissue@NNS ,@, and@CC inhibit@VVZ CFTR current@NNS in@IN Xenopus@NP oocyte@NNS (@( Hallows@NP ,@, K.@NP C3 , C5 NOT INTERACT C3 C5 these@DT proteolytic@JJ allergen@NNS include@VVP trypsin@NN ,@, chymotrypsin@NN ,@, elastase@NN ,@, kallikrein@NN ,@, and@CC C3 /@SYM C5 convertase@NN .@SENT ABL1 , BCR , CCND1 , EWSR1 , FLI1 NOT INTERACT EWSR1 FLI1 the@DT topographical@JJ parameter@NNS of@IN the@DT EWSR1 and@CC FLI1 gene@NNS do@VVP not@RB differ@VV substan1tially@RB for@IN G(0)-lymphocytes@NNS ,@, stimulate@VVN lymphocyte@NNS and@CC Ewing@NP sarcoma@NN cell@NNS .@SENT PI3 , PIK3CG NOT INTERACT PI3 PIK3CG in@IN addition@NN ,@, the@DT effect@NNS of@IN block@VVG IGF-1@JJ receptor@NNS ,@, phosphoinositide@NN @card@@CD kinase (@( PI3 -@: kinase )@) ,@, protein@NN kinase C@NP (@( PKC@NP )@) ,@, or@CC transsarcolemmal@JJ Ca2+@NP entry@NN be@VBD test@VVN .@SENT C5 , COL18A1 NOT INTERACT C5 COL18A1 strain@NN C5 as@RB well@RB as@IN the@DT expression@NN and@CC secretion@NN of@IN soluble@JJ recombinant@JJ human@JJ endostatin .@SENT ADM , RAMP3 INTERACT ADM RAMP3 Receptor-activity-modifying@VVG protein@NN (@( ramp@NN )@) 2@CD and@CC RAMP3 ,@, ADM receptor@NN subunits@NN ,@, be@VBP express@VVN in@IN autonomic@JJ center@NNS include@VVG the@DT PVN@NP and@CC supraoptic@JJ nucleus@NN .@SENT CCK , NPY NOT INTERACT CCK NPY Blockade@NP of@IN CCK brain@NN receptor@NNS by@IN proglumide@NN result@VVN in@IN an@DT inhibition@NN of@IN the@DT leptin-induced@JJ decrease@NN in@IN food@NN intake@NN and@CC an@DT attenuation@NN of@IN the@DT inhibit@VVG action@NN of@IN leptin@NN on@IN both@DT NPY -@: and@CC orexin@NP A-induced@NP feeding@NN .@SENT GP5 , GP6 NOT INTERACT GP5 GP6 HPV-DNA@NP sequence@NNS be@VBD examine@VVN in@IN formalin-fixed@JJ and@CC paraffin-embedded@JJ tissue@NNS use@VVG primer@NNS from@IN L1@JJ region@NN GP5 +/@NN GP6 +@SYM .@SENT CD34 , CD38 , CXCR4 , PTPRC , PTS NOT INTERACT CD34 CXCR4 in@IN conclusion@NN ,@, we@PP demonstrate@VVD that@IN/that CXCR4 be@VBZ not@RB critical@JJ for@IN the@DT engraftment@NN of@IN AML@NP CD34 +@SYM cell@NNS in@IN NOD/@JJ SCID@NN mouse@NNS .@SENT CA1 , Gal , REN NOT INTERACT Gal REN we@PP previously@RB report@VVD the@DT development@NN of@IN 2@CD transgenic@JJ mouse@NN model@NNS use@VVG sensitive@JJ reporter@NNS ,@, enhanced@JJ green@JJ fluorescent@JJ protein@NN (@( eGFP@NN )@) and@CC beta-galactosidase@NN (@( beta-@NN Gal )@) ,@, to@TO examine@VV the@DT cellular@JJ localization@NN of@IN renin and@CC angiotensinogen@NN in@IN the@DT mouse@NN brain@NN .@SENT FOS , PCNA NOT INTERACT FOS PCNA Gene@NPS respond@VVG through@IN ER-mediated@JJ pathway@NNS (@( C-@NP fos ,@, proliferate cell nuclear antigen (@( PCNA )@) ,@, and@CC lactoferrin@NP (@( LF@NP )@) )@) mirror@VVD altered@JJ wet@JJ weight@NN response@NNS ,@, I.@NP E.@NP ,@, enhancement@NN at@IN low@JJ dose@NNS and@CC dampen@VVG at@IN high@JJR dose@NNS .@SENT CYP1A1 , GSTM1 NOT INTERACT CYP1A1 GSTM1 There@EX be@VBD no@DT significant@JJ difference@NN in@IN the@DT frequency@NN of@IN CYP1A1 ,@, GSTM1 individual@NN with@IN the@DT development@NN and@CC prognosis@NN of@IN laryngeal@JJ cancer@NN .@SENT ATP1A2 , CACNA1A NOT INTERACT ATP1A2 CACNA1A study@NNS on@IN the@DT genetics@NN of@IN familial@JJ hemiplegic@JJ migraine@NN reveal@VVD ,@, in@IN addition@NN to@TO the@DT previously@RB identify@VVN familial@JJ hemiplegic@JJ migraine@NN type@NN 1@CD gene@NN CACNA1A on@IN chromosome@NN @card@@CD ,@, the@DT familial@JJ hemiplegic@JJ migraine@NN type@NN 2@CD gene@NN ATP1A2 ,@, encode@VVG the@DT alpha2-subunit@NN of@IN sodium/@JJ potassium@NN pump@NNS .@SENT CD44 , ERBB2 , MVD INTERACT CD44 ERBB2 Microvessel@NP density@NN ,@, p53@NN protein@NN ,@, CD44s@NP ,@, and@CC perhaps@RB C-@NP erbB2 expression@NN may@MD be@VB implicate@VVN in gallbladder@NN carcinoma@NN evolution@NN .@SENT GPR143 , MITF NOT INTERACT GPR143 MITF we@PP demonstrate@VVD that@IN/that Oa1 be@VBZ a@DT target@NN of@IN Mitf and@CC that@IN/that this@DT regulatory@JJ mechanism@NN be@VBZ conserve@VVN in@IN the@DT human@JJ gene@NN .@SENT CD14 , CD1A , CD83 , CD86 INTERACT CD86 CD83 AlOOH-loaded@JJ macrophage@NNS exhibit@VVN phenotypical@JJ and@CC functional@JJ modification@NNS ,@, as@IN they@PP express@VVD the@DT classical@JJ marker@NNS of@IN myeloid@JJ dendritic@JJ cell@NNS (@( HLA-DR(high)/@NP CD86 (@( high)/@JJ CD83 (@( +)/@NN CD1a (@( -)/@NN CD14 (@( -@: )@) )@) and@CC display@VVD potent@JJ ability@NN to@TO induce@VV MHC-II-restricted@JJ antigen@NN specific@JJ memory@NN response@NNS ,@, but@CC keep@VVD a@DT macrophage@NN morphology@NN .@SENT BCL11A , CDKN2A , Nodal , REL NOT INTERACT BCL11A CDKN2A real-time@JJ quantitative@JJ PCR@NP detect@VVD REL and@CC BCL11A gene@NN amplification@NNS in@IN the@DT nine@CD patient@NNS with@IN gain@NNS at@IN 2p13-@JJ p16 and@CC only@RB in@IN one@CD additional@JJ patient@NN with@IN normal@JJ chromosome@NN 2@CD .@SENT Ado , Coil , MAPK1 , Rho INTERACT MAPK1 Rho NECA@NP and@CC FSK@NP also@RB induce@VVD ERK1@JJ and@CC ERK2 activation@NN similar@JJ to@TO Ado .@SENT AKT1 , Bax NOT INTERACT AKT1 Bax increased@JJ drug@NN sensitivity@NN be@VBD associate@VVN with@IN apoptosis@NN ,@, which@WDT increase@VVD in@IN Bax and@CC poly-adenosine@NN diphosphate@NN (@( ADP-ribose@NP )@) polymerase@NN and@CC decrease@VVD in@IN phosphorylated@JJ Akt (@( pAkt@NN )@) .@SENT CDKN1A , TNFAIP3 INTERACT CDKN1A TNFAIP3 in@IN addition@NN ,@, A20 confer@VVZ a@DT proliferative@JJ advantage@NN to@TO hepatocytes@NNS via@IN decrease@VVN expression@NN of@IN the@DT cyclin -dependent@JJ kinase inhibitor@NN p21 (@( waf1 )@) .@SENT Ky , PRKCA , PTH INTERACT PRKCA PTH PTH stimulate@VVN protein@NN kinase Calpha@NP activity@NN and@CC alpha1@JJ subunit@NN phosphorylation@NN in@IN OK-WT@NP but@CC not@RB in@IN NHERF-deficient@JJ cell@NNS .@SENT CASP8 , CD28 , CFLAR , FADD , FAS , Mak INTERACT CASP8 FADD Interestingly@NP ,@, FADD and@CC caspase @card@@CD also@RB play@VV a@DT role@NN in@IN T@NN cell@NN development@NN and@CC T@NN cell@NN receptor@NN (@( TCR)-mediated@JJ proliferative@JJ response@NNS .@SENT STAT4 , TBX21 INTERACT STAT4 TBX21 further@RBR ,@, we@PP show@VVP that@IN/that T-bet be@VBZ responsible@JJ for@IN the@DT signal transducer and activator of transcription 4 (@( Stat4 )-independent@NN increase@NN in@IN Th1@JJ cell@NNS of@IN fucosyltransferase@NN VII@NP (@( FucT-VII@NP )@) .@SENT EGR1 , PTEN , SERPINE1 , TGFB1 INTERACT EGR1 PTEN Recent@JJ study@NNS be@VBP review@VVN indicate@VVG that@IN/that the@DT transcription@NN factor@NN early@JJ growth@NN response-1@NN (@( Egr1 )@) be@VBZ a@DT direct@JJ regulator@NN of@IN multiple@JJ tumor@NN suppressor@NNS include@VVG TGFbeta1@JJ ,@, PTEN ,@, p53@CD ,@, and@CC fibronectin@NN .@SENT CD14 , CD19 , CRP , FAS , FASLG NOT INTERACT Serum@NP be@VBD collect@VVN for@IN C-@NP reactive protein (@( CRP )@) detection@NN ;@: flow@NN cytometry@NN with@IN dual@JJ antibody@NN stain@VVG be@VBD use@VVN to@TO measure@VV the@DT apoptotic@JJ marker@NNS Fas (@( CD95 )@) ,@, FasL (@( CD@NN @card@@CD )@) and@CC TNF-R2@NP (@( CD120b@NP )@) in@IN T@NN cell@NNS (@( CD3+@NP )@) ,@, B@NP cell@NNS (@( CD19 +@SYM )@) ,@, and@CC monocyte@NNS (@( CD14 +@SYM )@) at@IN 0@CD ,@, @card@@CD ,@, @card@@CD and@CC @card@@CD min@NN after@IN start@VVG HD@NP .@SENT ell , ERG , HLF , MLL , PBX1 NOT INTERACT the@DT patient@NNS with@IN immunophenotype@NN of@IN Pre-B-ALL@NP be@VBD find@VVN to@TO carry@VV :@: TEL/@NP AML1(3@NP case@NNS )@) ;@: E2A/@NP PBX1 ,@, E2A/@NP HLF ,@, TLS/@NP ERG ,@, MLL /@SYM AF4@NP ,@, MLL /@SYM AF9@NP ,@, MLL /@SYM AF10@NP ,@, MLL /@SYM AFX-@NP MLL /@SYM AF6-@NP MLL /@SYM ell ,@, MLL /@SYM AF6-@NP MLL /@SYM ell ,@, dupMLL@NN (@( one@CD case@NN for@IN each@DT )@) ;@: and@CC HOX11@JJ (@( 6@CD case@NNS )@) .@SENT ATR , SDS , TG INTERACT ATR SDS then@RB ,@, the@DT distribution@NNS of@IN sulfate@NN ion@NN (@( SO4@NP )@) (@( from@IN sodium@NN sulfate@NN )@) and@CC sodium@NN dodecyl@NN sulfate@NN (@( SDS )@) in@IN the@DT dry@JJ latex@NN film@NNS be@VBD establish@VVN by@IN confocal@JJ Raman@NP spectroscopy@NN and@CC attenuated@JJ total@JJ reflectance@NN (@( ATR )@) .@SENT FOS , Jun , TFF1 INTERACT FOS TFF1 the@DT E2-induced@JJ recruitment@NN of@IN C-@NP Fos to@TO a@DT 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate@JJ response@NN element@NN site@NN in@IN the@DT PR@NP promoter@NN be@VBD significantly@RB reduce@VVN in@IN the@DT presence@NN of@IN ERbeta@NP ,@, whereas@IN only@RB a@DT slight@JJ reduction@NN in@IN the@DT recruitment@NN of@IN C-@NP Fos to@TO the@DT pS2 promoter@NN be@VBD observe@VVN .@SENT MAF , TG NOT INTERACT MAF TG through@IN phylogenetic@JJ sequence@NN comparison@NNS and@CC an@DT electrophoretic@JJ mobility@NN shift@NN assay@NN (@( EMSA@NP )@) ,@, a@DT highly@RB conserve@VVN cis-element@NN of@IN a@DT six-base@JJ pair@NN sequence@NN TG (@( A/@NP C)TGA@NP ,@, the@DT consensus@NN sequence@NN for@IN the@DT Maf protein@NN binding@JJ site@NN ,@, within@IN the@DT proximal@JJ promoter@NN region@NN be@VBD reveal@VVN .@SENT ANK3 , PIK3CG , Src NOT INTERACT PIK3CG Src the@DT Src homology@NN 2@CD (@( SH2@NP )@) domain@NNS of@IN the@DT p85@JJ subunit@NN of@IN phosphatidylinositol@NN 3'-@JJ kinase have@VHP be@VBN show@VVN to@TO bind@NN to@TO the@DT tyrosine-phosphorylated@JJ platelet-derived@JJ growth@NN factor@NN receptor@NN (@( PDGFR@NP )@) .@SENT HPR , PTS NOT INTERACT HPR PTS To@TO carry@VV out@RP its@PP$ catalytic@JJ function@NN in@IN sugar@NN transport@NN ,@, HPr of@IN the@DT phosphotransferase@NN system@NN (@( PTS )@) be@VBZ also@RB phosphorylated@JJ by@IN phosphoenolpyruvate@NN and@CC enzyme@NN I@NN at@IN His-15@NN .@SENT Bax , Bid , CASP8 , CASP9 , FAS , XIAP INTERACT BAX CASP8 phagocytophilum@NN infection@NN inhibit@VVD the@DT pro-apoptotic@JJ Bax translocation@NN to@TO mitochondrion@NNS ,@, activation@NN of@IN caspase 9@CD ,@, the@DT initiator@NN caspase in@IN the@DT intrinsic@JJ pathway@NN ,@, and@CC the@DT degradation@NN of@IN a@DT potent@JJ caspase inhibitor@NN ,@, X-chromosome-linked@JJ inhibitor@NN of@IN apoptosis@NN protein@NN (@( XIAP )@) ,@, during@IN spontaneous@JJ neutrophil@JJ apoptosis@NN .@SENT FGF3 , GBX2 , OTX1 , SP1 INTERACT FGF3 OTX1 we@PP demonstrate@VVP here@RB that@DT repression@NN of@IN the@DT anterior@JJ neuroectodermal@JJ marker@NNS fez@NN and@CC otx1 by@IN fgf17b@NN or@CC fgf3 coincide@VVZ with@IN induction@NN of@IN sp5l@NN in@IN the@DT anterior@JJ neuroectoderm@NN ,@, and@CC that@IN/that this@DT repression@NN be@VBZ efficiently@RB rescue@VVD by@IN simultaneous@JJ sp5l@NN knockdown@NN .@SENT CD28 , CTLA4 , ICOS NOT INTERACT CTLA4 ICOS the@DT functional@JJ consequence@NNS of@IN the@DT associate@VVN polymorphism@NNS be@VBP likely@JJ to@TO influence@VV CTLA4 expression@NN ,@, although@IN it@PP be@VBZ possible@JJ that@IN/that genetically@RB modulate@VVN ICOS expression@NN be@VBZ involve@VVN in@IN SLE@NP susceptibility@NN .@SENT DMD , G6PD NOT INTERACT DMD G6PD an@DT Internet@NN survey@NN post@VVD on@IN the@DT National@NP Society@NP of@IN Genetic@NP Counselors@NP Listserv@NP regard@VVG five@CD condition@NNS :@: cystic@JJ fibrosis@NN (@( CF@NP )@) ,@, Duchenne@NP muscular@JJ dystrophy@NN (@( DMD )@) ,@, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency@NN (@( G6PD )@) ,@, fragile@JJ X@NP (@( FraX@NP )@) ,@, and@CC type@NN 1@CD diabetes@NN (@( T1D@NP )@) .@SENT STAT1 , TYR NOT INTERACT STAT1 TYR moreover@RB ,@, analysis@NNS of@IN nuclear@JJ extract@VVZ show@VVD high@JJR abundance@NN of@IN phosphorylated@JJ STAT1 (@( Tyr @card@@CD )@) in@IN the@DT resistant@JJ subline@NN .@SENT Bax , CASP8 , CASP9 INTERACT Bax CASP8 Immunocytochemistry@NP reveal@VVD Bax activation@NN and@CC translocation@NN to@TO mitochondrion@NNS and@CC cytochrome@NN c@SYM release@NN into@IN the@DT cytosol@NN follow@VVG hypoxia/@JJ re-oxygenation@NN ,@, both@CC of@IN which@WDT be@VBD significantly@RB suppress@VVN by@IN pretreatment@NN with@IN caspase @card@@CD inhibitor@NN .@SENT AFM , Mica INTERACT AFM Mica however@RB ,@, the@DT spread@VVG of@IN the@DT protein-DNA@NN complex@NNS on@IN a@DT flat@JJ substrate@NN ,@, generally@RB mica ,@, be@VBZ require@VVN prior@RB to@TO AFM imaging@NN .@SENT MAPK1 , PCNA INTERACT MAPK1 PCNA the@DT deposition@NN of@IN fibrin@NN ,@, the@DT number@NN of@IN PCNA -positive@JJ cell@NNS ,@, and@CC phosphorylation@NN of@IN p44/@JJ @card@@CD MAP@NP kinase be@VBD markedly@RB increase@VVN in@IN the@DT disease@NN control@NN group@NN ,@, whereas@IN they@PP be@VBD significantly@RB reduce@VVN in@IN the@DT treatment@NN group@NN .@SENT LASP1 , ZYX INTERACT LASP1 ZYX LASP-1 silence@VVG be@VBZ accompany@VVN by@IN a@DT reduce@VVN binding@JJ of@IN the@DT LASP-1 -binding@NN partner@NN zyxin to@TO focal@JJ contact@NNS without@IN change@NNS in@IN actin@NN stress@NN fibre@NN and@CC microtubule@NN organisation@NN or@CC focal@JJ adhesion@NN morphology@NN as@RB observe@VVD by@IN immunofluorescence@NN .@SENT HDAC1 , HDAC3 , HNF4A , OAT , PCNA NOT INTERACT identical@JJ result@NNS be@VBD obtain@VVN with@IN a@DT histone-deacetylasel@NN (@( HDAC1 )@) antibody@NN ,@, but@CC antibody@NNS against@IN HDAC3 ,@, SMRT@NP and@CC SHP@NP do@VVD not@RB precipitate@VV the@DT GS@NP upstream@JJ enhancer@NN .@SENT FAS , SI NOT INTERACT FAS SI First@NP ,@, (@( heptadecafluoro-1,1,2,2-tetrahydrodecyl)trimethoxysilane@NN (@( FAS )-SAM@NN be@VBD form@VVN onto@IN Si substrate@NN cover@VVN with@IN native@JJ oxide@NN (@( SiO2/@NP Si )@) from@IN vapor@NN phase@NN .@SENT KL , REST INTERACT KL REST the@DT low@JJ input@NN resistance@NNS and@CC short@JJ time@NN constant@NNS at@IN rest that@WDT arise@VVP from@IN the@DT partial@JJ activation@NN of@IN a@DT large@JJ ,@, low-voltage-activated@JJ K(+@NP )@) conductance@NN (@( g(@JJ KL )@) )@) and@CC a@DT large@JJ mixed-cation@NN ,@, hyperpolarization-activated@JJ conductance@NN (@( g(h@NN )@) )@) enable@VV octopus@NN cell@NNS to@TO detect@VV coincident@JJ firing@NN of@IN auditory@JJ nerve@NN fiber@NNS with@IN exceptional@JJ temporal@JJ precision@NN .@SENT CEBPB , CP , IL1B , LYZ NOT INTERACT IL1B CEBPB Three@NP inoculate@VVD and@CC control@NN fish@NN be@VBD collect@VVN at@IN 1@CD ,@, 2@CD ,@, 4@CD ,@, 6@CD and@CC 22h@JJ post@NN infection@NN (@( hpi@NP )@) and@CC the@DT expression@NN of@IN gene@NNS relate@VVN to@TO the@DT immune@JJ response@NN (@( il1b ,@, cebpb ,@, tfa@NP ,@, mpx@NP ,@, tnfa@NP ,@, nitr9@JJ ,@, tlr22@JJ ,@, hsc70@JJ ,@, Cp ,@, mrlp1@JJ ,@, c3b@NN and@CC lyz )@) in@IN each@DT fish@NN be@VBD monitor@VVN by@IN mean@NNS of@IN real-time@JJ RT-PCR@NP .@SENT C3 , CRP NOT INTERACT C3 CRP the@DT arthritis@NN morning@NN stiffness@NN time@NN ,@, ache@NN index@NNS ,@, tumidness@NN index@NNS ,@, function@NN index@NNS ,@, hand@NNS grip@NN ,@, 20-m@JJ walk@VVG time@NN and@CC experimental@JJ index@NNS include@VVG ESR@NP ,@, RF@NP ,@, CRP ,@, C3 ,@, immune@JJ globin@NN of@IN both@DT group@NNS be@VBD observe@VVN and@CC compare@VVN .@SENT BCL2 , CCND1 , EGF , EGFR , FAS NOT INTERACT Genotyping@NP of@IN BCL2 (@( ala43thr@NP )@) ,@, FAS (@( A-670G@NP )@) ,@, CCND1 (@( G870A@NP )@) ,@, EGF (@( +61A/@NP G@NP )@) and@CC EGFR (@( G497A@NP )@) polymorphism@NNS be@VBD determine@VVN use@VVG the@DT polymerase@NN chain@NN reaction@NN follow@VVN by@IN restriction@NN fragment@NN length@NN polymorphism@NN methodology@NN .@SENT AMPH , PIK3CG INTERACT AMPH PIK3CG in@IN vitro@NN study@NNS suggest@VVP that@IN/that hypoinsulinemia@NNS may@MD regulate@VV the@DT action@NNS of@IN AMPH by@IN inhibit@VVG the@DT insulin@NN downstream@JJ effector@NNS phosphotidylinositol@NN @card@@CD kinase (@( PI3K )@) and@CC protein@NN kinase B@NP (@( PKB@NP ,@, or@CC Akt@NP )@) ,@, which@WDT we@PP have@VHP previously@RB show@VVN be@VBP able@JJ to@TO fine-tune@VV DAT@NP cell-surface@NN expression@NN .@SENT MLH1 , MSH2 , MSH6 NOT INTERACT among@IN patient@NNS who@WP undergo@VVD hysterectomy@NN for@IN endometrial@JJ cancer@NN at@IN Seoul@NP National@NP University@NP Hospital@NP from@IN @card@@CD to@TO @card@@CD ,@, @card@@CD patient@NNS be@VBD include@VVN ,@, whose@WP$ family@NN history@NN and@CC clinical@JJ datum@NNS could@MD be@VB obtain@VVN and@CC tumor@NN specimen@NNS be@VBD available@JJ for@IN microsatellite@NN instability@NN (@( MSI@NP )@) testing@NN and@CC immunohistochemical@JJ (@( IHC@NP )@) stain@VVG of@IN MLH1 ,@, MSH2 and@CC MSH6 protein@NNS .@SENT CD4 , CLEC2D , IL2RA , IL2RB , IL2RG , Kit , KITLG , RUNX1 , RUNX3 INTERACT RUNX1 CD4 we@PP find@VVD that@IN/that NK@JJ cell@NNS and@CC CD8@JJ T@NN cell@NNS dominantly@RB express@VVP Runx3 protein@NN ,@, whereas@IN NKT@NP cell@NNS and@CC CD4 T@NN cell@NNS express@VVP Runx1 .@SENT CCL18 , CD163 , CD4 , FOXP3 , IL2RA , MIP , TNF INTERACT CCL18 CD163 we@PP show@VVP that@IN/that ,@, after@IN coculture@NN with@IN Tregs@NP ,@, monocytes/@NN macrophage@NNS display@VVP typical@JJ feature@NNS of@IN AAM@NP ,@, include@VVG up-regulated@JJ expression@NN of@IN CD206@NP (@( macrophage@NN mannose@NN receptor@NN )@) and@CC CD163 (@( hemoglobin@NN scavenger@NN receptor@NN )@) ,@, an@DT increase@VVN production@NN of@IN CCL18 ,@, and@CC an@DT enhanced@JJ phagocytic@JJ capacity@NN .@SENT CD28 , STAT4 INTERACT CD28 STAT4 use@VVG STAT4 (@( -/@NP -@: )@) mouse@NNS ,@, we@PP find@VVD that@IN/that modulate@VVN IFN@NP gamma@NN secretion@NN in@IN wt@JJ TDLN@NP cell@NNS after@IN anti-CD3/@JJ CD28 /@SYM 4-1BB@JJ activation@NN in@IN vitro@NN be@VBD lose@VVN in@IN similarly@RB stimulate@VVN STAT4 (@( -/@JJ -@: )@) TDLN@NP cell@NNS .@SENT CD4 , FOXP3 INTERACT CD4 FOXP3 homozygous@JJ loss@NN of@IN function@NN of@IN foxp3 gene@NN result@NNS in@IN the@DT absence@NN of@IN development@NN of@IN a@DT crucial@JJ subpopulation@NN of@IN lymphocyte@NNS with@IN CD4 +CD25+@NN phenotype@NN ,@, call@VVD regulatory@JJ T-cell@NNS .@SENT LINGO1 , Mag , MYT1 , MYT1L INTERACT LINGO1 Mag Lingo-1@NN (@( also@RB know@VVN as@IN Lern1 )@) be@VBZ a@DT component@NN of@IN the@DT Nogo@NP receptor@NN complex@NN that@WDT mediate@VVZ intracellular@JJ signal@VVG in@IN response@NN to@TO myelin associate@VVN inhibitor@NNS (@( Mais@NP )@) :@: NogoA@NP ,@, Mag ,@, and@CC Omgp@NP .@SENT CGA , MYO7A , USH1C , USH2A NOT INTERACT among@IN family@NNS show@VVG linkage@NN to@TO USH1B@NP we@PP find@VVD two@CD different@JJ mutation@NNS in@IN the@DT MYO7A gene@NN :@: IVS42-26insTTGAG@NN in@IN exon@NN @card@@CD (@( heterozygous@JJ state@NN )@) and@CC R634X@NP (@( CGA -TGA@NN )@) in@IN exon@NN @card@@CD (@( homozygous@JJ state@NN )@) .@SENT FGF2 , FGF4 , FGF8 , GREM1 , SHH INTERACT GREM1 SHH these@DT datum@NNS support@VVP a@DT mechanism@NN where@WRB the@DT positive@JJ Fgf/@NP Shh loop@NN drive@NNS outgrowth@NN and@CC an@DT increase@NN in@IN FGF@NP signal@VVG ,@, which@WDT trigger@VVZ the@DT Fgf/@NP Grem1 inhibitory@JJ loop@NN .@SENT KLK5 , KLK7 NOT INTERACT KLK5 KLK7 until@IN recently@RB ,@, kallikrein proteolytic@JJ activity@NN in@IN the@DT skin@NN be@VBD exclusively@RB attribute@VVN to@TO KLK5 and@CC KLK7 .@SENT CSF3R , CXCL12 , CXCR4 , KITLG INTERACT CXCL12 CXCR4 RECENT@NP FINDINGS@NP :@: the@DT interaction@NN between@IN the@DT chemokine@JJ SDF-1/@NP CXCL12 and@CC its@PP$ receptor@NN CXCR4 be@VBZ critical@JJ to@TO retain@VV HSCs@NP within@IN the@DT bone@NN marrow@NN ,@, lead@VVG to@TO the@DT discovery@NN that@IN/that small@JJ synthetic@JJ CXCR4 antagonist@NNS be@VBP potent@JJ mobilize@VVG agent@NNS that@WDT synergize@VVP with@IN granulocyte@NN colony-stimulating@NN factor@NN .@SENT CTLA4 , Kit NOT INTERACT CTLA4 Kit we@PP genotyped@VVD @card@@CD SNPs@NNS in@IN the@DT CTLA4 gene@NN use@VVG the@DT SNaPshot@NP Multiplex@NP Kit ,@, and@CC in@IN addition@NN gene@NN expression@NN of@IN the@DT soluble@JJ (@( sCTLA4@NN )@) and@CC full@JJ length@NN (@( flCTLA4@NN )@) isoforms@NNS be@VBD quantify@VVN by@IN real-time@JJ PCR@NP ,@, while@IN protein@NN level@NNS of@IN sCTLA4@NN be@VBD measure@VVN by@IN Elisa@NP .@SENT BIRC2 , Met , NF2 , YAP1 INTERACT NF2 YAP1 we@PP analyze@VVD the@DT involvement@NN of@IN YAP1 in@IN MPM@NP proliferation@NN ,@, as@RB well@RB as@IN its@PP$ functional@JJ and@CC physical@JJ interaction@NN with@IN Merlin encode@VVD by@IN the@DT neurofibromatosis@NN type@NN 2@CD (@( NF2 )@) tumor@NN suppressor@NN gene@NN ,@, which@WDT be@VBZ frequently@RB mutate@VVN in@IN MPMs@NP .@SENT ADRB2 , Camp , RGS13 INTERACT Camp RGS13 camp or@CC Ca(2+@JJ )@) signal@VVG promote@VVN RGS13 accumulation@NN in@IN the@DT nucleus@NN ,@, where@WRB it@PP form@VVD a@DT complex@NN with@IN phosphorylated@JJ CREB@NP and@CC CBP/@NP p300@NN .@SENT CD1D , TLR9 NOT INTERACT CD1D TLR9 This@NP require@VVZ TLR9 signal@VVG and@CC IL-12@JJ secretion@NN by@IN the@DT activate@VVN DCs@NP ,@, but@CC it@PP do@VVZ not@RB require@VV CD1d expression@NN .@SENT EGF , FAP , KITLG NOT INTERACT FAP EGF There@EX be@VBP ,@, however@RB ,@, essential@JJ difference@NNS between@IN these@DT cell@NN type@NNS :@: in@IN many@JJ case@NNS the@DT marker@NN expression@NN pattern@NN of@IN BTSCs@NP do@VVZ not@RB match@VV the@DT CD133(+)/@NP NSE(-)/@NP FAP (@( -@: )@) pattern@NN of@IN NSCs@NP ;@: BTSC@NP tumourigenicity@NN be@VBZ independent@JJ of@IN marker@NN expression@NN ;@: and@CC while@IN attachment@NN ,@, serum-containing@VVG medium@NN and@CC withdrawal@NN of@IN mitogens@NNS (@( epidermal@JJ growth@NN factor@NN [@SYM EGF ]@SYM and@CC basic@JJ fibroblast@NN growth@NN factor@NN [@SYM bFGF@NN ]@SYM )@) be@VBP essential@JJ to@TO induce@VV NSCs@NP to@TO differentiate@VV ,@, they@PP do@VVP not@RB affect@VV BTSC@NP tumourigenicity@NN .@SENT HIF1A , PC INTERACT HIF1A PC Collectively@NP ,@, these@DT novel@NN finding@NNS demonstrate@VVP that@IN/that NO-sulindac@NP directly@RB inhibit@VVZ the@DT hypoxia@NN response@NN of@IN PC @card@@CD prostate@NN cancer@NN cell@NNS by@IN inhibit@VVG HIF-1alpha translation@NN via@IN the@DT Akt@NP signal@VVG pathway@NN .@SENT PC , PIGS , TF , TNF , VWF INTERACT TF VWF conclusion@NNS :@: our@PP$ study@NN demonstrate@VVN in@IN Vitro@NP protective@JJ effect@NN of@IN ATA@NP on@IN the@DT inhibition@NN of@IN endothelial@JJ activation@NN and@CC vWF secretion@NN and@CC confirm@VVD detrimental@JJ effect@NN of@IN ATA@NP on@IN induction@NN of@IN endothelial@JJ TF and@CC platelet@NN activation@NN .@SENT SOX2 , SOX3 , SRY INTERACT SOX2 SOX3 Sox3 function@NNS as@IN an@DT activator@NN to@TO induce@VV expression@NN of@IN the@DT early@JJ neural@JJ gene@NNS ,@, sox2 and@CC geminin@NN in@IN the@DT absence@NN of@IN protein@NN synthesis@NN and@CC to@TO indirectly@RB inhibit@VV the@DT Bmp@NP target@NN Xvent2@NP .@SENT CD2 , CD5 NOT INTERACT CD2 CD5 Multiparameter@NN analysis@NN of@IN CD2 expression@NN and@CC that@IN/that of@IN CD3@NP ,@, CD5 ,@, JIId@NP ,@, and@CC IL-2R@NP p55@NN chain@NN show@VVD that@DT expression@NN of@IN CD2 correlate@VVZ with@IN the@DT maturational@JJ state@NN of@IN thymocytes@NNS .@SENT C7 , TOX NOT INTERACT C7 TOX a@DT library@NN of@IN chromosomal@JJ DNA@NN from@IN Corynebacterium@NP diphtheriae@NP Belfanti@NP 1030(-@NP )@) tox -@: be@VBD clon@VVN in@IN the@DT lambda@NN phage@NN vector@NN EMBL4@NP and@CC screen@VVD for@IN sequence@NNS homologous@JJ to@TO corynephage@NN omega@NN tox +@SYM and@CC the@DT attB1-attB2@JJ region@NN of@IN the@DT C7 (@( -@: )@) tox -@: chromosome@NN .@SENT PDK1 , PDK2 NOT INTERACT PDK1 PDK2 Two@CD subclones@NNS be@VBD isolate@VVN ,@, designate@VVN pDK1 and@CC pDK2 ;@: the@DT former@JJ complement@VVD the@DT partial@JJ defect@NN in@IN the@DT utilization@NN of@IN aspartate@NN ,@, although@IN its@PP$ exact@JJ function@NN be@VBD not@RB establish@VVN .@SENT FES , MYB NOT INTERACT FES MYB because@IN the@DT human@JJ c-@NN fes gene@NN ,@, which@WDT be@VBZ homologous@JJ to@TO feline@JJ sarcoma@NN virus@NN ,@, segregate@VVZ concordantly@RB with@IN human@JJ chromosome@NN @card@@CD ,@, and@CC the@DT human@JJ c-@NN myb gene@NN ,@, which@WDT be@VBZ homologous@JJ to@TO avian@JJ myeloblastosis@NN virus@NN onc@NN gene@NNS ,@, segregate@VVZ concordantly@RB with@IN human@JJ chromosome@NN 6@CD ,@, we@PP have@VHP assign@VVN the@DT C-@NP fes and@CC the@DT C-@NP myb gene@NNS to@TO human@JJ chromosome@NNS @card@@CD and@CC 6@CD ,@, respectively@RB .@SENT CD44 , MKI67 INTERACT CD44 MKI67 Lamina@NP propria@NN and@CC intestinal@JJ epithelial@JJ cell@NN expression@NN of@IN CD44 be@VBD grade@VVN blindly@RB by@IN five@CD observer@NNS ,@, and@CC villus@NN epithelial@JJ cell@NNS be@VBD note@VVN as@IN be@VBG positive@JJ or@CC negative@JJ for@IN Ki67 stain@VVG .@SENT BDNF , NTRK1 , NTRK2 INTERACT BDNF NTRK1 during@IN development@NN ,@, the@DT regulation@NN of@IN expression@NN of@IN the@DT trk family@NN of@IN tyrosine@NN kinase receptor@NNS play@VVZ an@DT important@JJ role@NN in@IN define@VVG the@DT cellular@JJ response@NNS to@TO neurotrophin action@NN .@SENT CYP1A1 , CYP1A2 , CYP2C19 , CYP2C8 , CYP2D6 , CYP2E1 NOT INTERACT CYP1A CYP2D6 alpha-Naphthoflavone@NP and@CC 7-ethoxyresorufin@NP (@( selective@JJ inhibitor@NNS of@IN CYP1A1 /@SYM 2@LS )@) inhibit@VVD the@DT N-desisopropylation@NN of@IN R-@NP and@CC S-propranolol@NP by@IN human@JJ liver@NN microsome@NNS by@IN @card@@CD and@CC @card@@CD %@NN ,@, respectively@RB ,@, while@IN quinidine@NN (@( a@DT selective@JJ inhibitor@NN of@IN CYP2D6 )@) abolish@VVD the@DT 4-hydroxylation@NN of@IN both@DT propranolol@NN enantiomers@NNS almost@RB completely@RB .@SENT SP1 , TFAP2A , TFAP2C INTERACT SP1 TFAP2A other@JJ potential@JJ transcription-factor@NN bind@VVG site@NNS include@VVG SP1 ,@, AP-2 ,@, GRE@NP and@CC Oct-1@JJ site@NNS be@VBD identify@VVN in@IN the@DT 5'-flanking@JJ region@NN .@SENT TAP1 , TAP2 INTERACT TAP1 TAP2 the@DT expression@NN of@IN two@CD transporter@NN gene@NNS (@( TAP1 and@CC TAP2 )@) ,@, examine@VVN by@IN northern@JJ hybridization@NN ,@, be@VBD also@RB reduce@VVN in@IN both@DT cell@NNS ,@, and@CC negligible@JJ particularly@RB in@IN 4C2@JJ cell@NNS .@SENT DMD , UTRN INTERACT DMD UTRN Utrophin expression@NN be@VBZ detect@VVN by@IN dystrophin /@SYM utrophin cross-reacting@VVG antibody@NNS and@CC can@MD only@RB be@VB evaluate@VVN in@IN mdx@NN mouse@NN muscle@NNS (@( in@IN absence@NN of@IN dystrophin )@) .@SENT IL2 , IL6 NOT INTERACT IL2 IL6 Albumin@NP and@CC the@DT cytokines@NNS interleukin (@( IL)1@JJ beta@NN ,@, IL2 ,@, IL6 ,@, and@CC tumor@NN necrosis@NN factor@NN alpha@NN (@( TNF@NP alpha@NN )@) be@VBD determine@VVN in@IN urine@NN from@IN @card@@CD patient@NNS treat@VVN with@IN 6@CD weekly@JJ intravesical@JJ BCG@NN instillation@NNS ,@, collect@VVN prior@RB to@TO each@DT instillation@NN and@CC 2@CD ,@, 4@CD ,@, 6@CD ,@, 8@CD ,@, @card@@CD ,@, and@CC @card@@CD h@NN thereafter@RB .@SENT AGTR2 , ANG NOT INTERACT AGTR2 ANG angiotensin II@NP (@( Ang II@NP )@) appear@VVZ to@TO exert@VV its@PP$ contractile@JJ and@CC growth-promoting@JJ effect@NNS through@IN the@DT AT1@JJ receptor@NN subtype@NN ,@, whereas@IN the@DT AT2 subtype@NN may@MD have@VH growth-inhibitory@JJ and@CC proapoptotic@JJ property@NNS .@SENT CD82 , DLD INTERACT CD82 DLD the@DT effect@NNS of@IN KAI1 on@IN the@DT adhesion@NN ,@, motility@NN and@CC invasiveness@NN of@IN colon@NN cancer@NN cell@NNS be@VBD therefore@RB investigate@VVN by@IN use@VVG two@CD kind@NNS of@IN stable@JJ transfectants@NNS ,@, I.@NP E.@NP ,@, antisense@NN transfectants@NNS of@IN BM314@NP cell@NNS whose@WP$ KAI1 mRNA@NN expression@NN be@VBD suppress@VVN by@IN transfer@NN of@IN antisense@NN KAI1 cDNA@NN and@CC sense@NN transfectants@NNS of@IN DLD @card@@CD cell@NNS with@IN the@DT enhanced@JJ KAI1 mRNA@NN by@IN sense@NN cDNA@NN transfer@NN .@SENT LPP , TRIP6 , ZYX NOT INTERACT TRIP6 LPP the@DT global@JJ molecular@JJ architecture@NN and@CC sequence@NN of@IN TRIP6 place@VVP it@PP in@IN the@DT same@JJ family@NN as@IN the@DT adhesion@NN plaque@NN protein@NN ,@, zyxin ,@, and@CC the@DT lipoma@NN preferred@JJ partner@NN (@( LPP )@) .@SENT DBH , ECD NOT INTERACT DBH ECD Free@NP and@CC sulfoconjugated@JJ catecholamine@NNS and@CC serotonin@NN (@( 5-hydroxytryptamine@JJ ,@, 5-HT@JJ )@) be@VBD measure@VVN by@IN high-performance@JJ liquid@JJ chromatography@NN with@IN electrochemical@JJ detection@NN (@( HPLC-@NP ECD )@) ;@: plasma@NN dopamine@NN (@( DA)-beta-@NP hydroxylase (@( DBH )@) activity@NN be@VBD determine@VVN by@IN a@DT HPLC@NP technique@NN .@SENT A2M , DR1 , NR2F1 , PRL , TF NOT INTERACT TF DR1 when@WRB site-specific@JJ mutation@NNS be@VBD make@VVN in@IN either@CC the@DT SF-1@JJ -binding@NN site@NN or@CC the@DT two@CD COUP-@NP TF direct@JJ repeat@NN (@( DR1 and@CC DR2@JJ )@) binding@JJ site@NNS in@IN the@DT context@NN of@IN the@DT intact@JJ promoter@NN ,@, specific@JJ change@NNS in@IN the@DT functional@JJ activity@NN of@IN this@DT novel@JJ region@NN of@IN the@DT alpha2M@NN promoter@NN be@VBD observe@VVN .@SENT ABCB1 , CDR1 INTERACT ABCB1 CDR1 initial@JJ overexpression@NN of@IN MDR1 with@IN subsequent@JJ overexpression@NN of@IN CDR gene@NNS and@CC a@DT final@JJ isolate@VVP again@RB overexpressing@VVG MDR1 be@VBD detect@VVN in@IN serial@NN isolate@VVZ from@IN another@DT patient@NN .@SENT ADCYAP1 , VIP NOT INTERACT ADCYAP1 VIP the@DT content@NN of@IN PACAP immunoreactivity@NN in@IN the@DT pancreas@NN potently@RB increase@VVN by@IN @card@@CD %@NN ,@, but@CC the@DT content@NN of@IN vasoactive@JJ intestinal@JJ polypeptide@NN (@( VIP )@) immunoreactivity@NN be@VBD not@RB change@VVN .@SENT F2 , PTGS1 NOT INTERACT F2 PTGS1 only@RB Ca@NP Ion@NP stimulate@VVN prostaglandin D2@NP (@( PGD2@NP )@) production@NN while@IN IL-1@JJ beta@NN ,@, and@CC Ca@NP Ion@NP ,@, but@CC not@RB LPS@NP ,@, increase@VVD prostaglandin F2 alpha@NN (@( PGF2@NP alpha@NN )@) formation@NN .@SENT