#pmid=10021338 FGF8 OTX2 NONE these@DT result@NNS provide@VVP insight@NNS into@IN the@DT mechanism@NN by@IN which@WDT FGF8 induce@VVZ an@DT ectopic@JJ organizer@NN and@CC suggest@VVP that@IN/that a@DT negative@JJ feedback@NN loop@NN between@IN Fgf8 and@CC Otx2 play@VVZ a@DT key@JJ role@NN in@IN patterning@VVG the@DT midbrain@NN and@CC anterior@JJ hindbrain@NN .@SENT #pmid=10329125 CCNT1 CDK9 NONE in@IN contrast@NN ,@, a@DT small@JJR region@NN of@IN cyclin T1 be@VBD require@VVN to@TO bind@NN to@TO CDK9 and@CC stimulate@VV its@PP$ kinase activity@NN .@SENT #pmid=10454619 MYC ARNT Biological Context: "we have utilized a PCR-based protocol to identify" we@PP have@VHP utilize@VVN a@DT PCR-based@JJ protocol@NN to@TO identify@VV high@JJ affinity@NN bind@VVG site@NNS of@IN either@CC the@DT C-@NP Myc /@SYM Max@NP or@CC ARNT /@SYM Arnt dimer@NNS and@CC analyze@VVD the@DT ability@NN of@IN these@DT dimer@NNS to@TO interact@VV with@IN their@PP$ derive@VVN consensus@NN sequence@NNS and@CC activate@VVP gene@NNS .@SENT #pmid=10570278 CD2 CD14 Biological Context: "after 2 day of culture" after@IN 2@CD day@NNS of@IN culture@NN ,@, the@DT CD2 +@SYM monocyte@NNS largely@RB lose@VVD CD14 expression@NN and@CC develop@VVN distinct@JJ dendrite@NNS ,@, whereas@IN the@DT CD2 -@: monocyte@NNS retain@VVD surface@NN CD14 and@CC remain@VVD round@NN or@CC oval@NN .@SENT #pmid=10570278 CD2 CD14 Biological Context: composants: monocyte@nns_NAT after@IN 2@CD day@NNS of@IN culture@NN ,@, the@DT CD2 +@SYM monocyte@NNS largely@RB lose@VVD CD14 expression@NN and@CC develop@VVN distinct@JJ dendrite@NNS ,@, whereas@IN the@DT CD2 -@: monocyte@NNS retain@VVD surface@NN CD14 and@CC remain@VVD round@NN or@CC oval@NN .@SENT #pmid=10677502 MAPK1 BCL2 Modality: demonstration: show we@PP show@VVP that@IN/that aurintricarboxylic@JJ acid@NN (@( ATA@NP )@) ,@, a@DT nonpeptide@NN activator@NN of@IN cellular@JJ MEK/@NP mitogen-@NN activate protein kinase (@( MAPK@NP )@) kinase ,@, can@MD induce@VV Ser-70@NP phosphorylation@NN of@IN Bcl2 and@CC support@NN survival@NN of@IN cell@NNS express@VVG wild-type@NN but@CC not@RB the@DT phosphorylation-incompetent@JJ S70A@NP mutant@JJ Bcl2 .@SENT #pmid=10782927 CTNNB1 FAP Biological Context: desmoid tumor it@PP also@RB suggest@VVZ the@DT involvement@NN of@IN the@DT beta-catenin pathway@NN in@IN the@DT development@NN of@IN desmoid@JJ tumor@NNS in@IN FAP .@SENT #pmid=11522815 SKI SKIP Modality: hypotheses: suggest addition@NN of@IN excess@JJ ski further@RBR augment@VVD the@DT transcriptional@JJ activity@NNS of@IN Skip ,@, suggest@VVG that@IN/that one@CD of@IN the@DT way@NNS in@IN which@WDT ski bring@VVZ about@IN transformation@NN be@VBZ by@IN bind@VVG and@CC cooperate@VVG with@IN the@DT SNW@JJ domain@NN of@IN Skip in@IN transcriptional@JJ activation@NN .@SENT #pmid=11687963 CDKN1B CDK2 Modality: hypotheses: suggest@vvg_NAT although@IN treatment@NN of@IN cell@NNS with@IN TGF@NP beta@NN 1@CD up-regulated@JJ accumulation@NN of@IN p27(@JJ kip1 )@) in@IN both@DT nucleus@NN and@CC cytoplasm@NN ,@, the@DT association@NN of@IN the@DT p27(@JJ kip1 )@) with@IN cdk2 ,@, cyclin A@NP ,@, cyclin D2@NP ,@, cyclin D3@NP ,@, and@CC cdk4 be@VBD markedly@RB down-regulated@JJ ,@, suggest@VVG that@IN/that p27(@JJ kip1 )@) be@VBZ not@RB responsible@JJ for@IN the@DT downregulation@NN of@IN the@DT kinase activity@NN .@SENT #pmid=11773447 PAX6 PAX6 NONE Pax6 ,@, which@WDT bind@VVZ to@TO an overlapping@JJ site@NN on@IN G1@NN ,@, exhibit@VVN a@DT great@JJR affinity@NN as@IN compare@VVN with@IN HNF-3alpha@NP or@CC -beta@NP .@SENT #pmid=11978735 COL18A1 NOS3 Modality: hypothesis because@IN nitric@JJ oxide@NN (@( NO@UH )@) play@VVZ a@DT key@JJ role@NN in@IN vascular@JJ endothelial@JJ growth@NN factor@NN (@( VEGF)-induced@JJ angiogenesis@NN ,@, we@PP hypothesize@VVD that@IN/that endostatin interfere@VVZ with@IN the@DT activation@NN of@IN the@DT endothelial@JJ NO@UH synthase (@( eNOS )@) .@SENT #pmid=12077274 SOCS1 SOCS2 NONE SOCS1 ,@, SOCS2 ,@, and@CC SOCS3 protein@NNS be@VBD undetectable@JJ in@IN healthy@JJ skin@NN and@CC highly@RB express@VVN in@IN the@DT epidermis@NN of@IN psoriasis@NN and@CC allergic@JJ contact@NN dermatitis@NN ,@, but@CC be@VBD only@RB weakly@RB express@VVN in@IN atopic@JJ dermatitis@NN skin@NN .@SENT #pmid=12810531 CCND1 CDKN1A Modality: observation_experiment: reveal Western@JJ blot@VVG analysis@NN reveal@VVD that@IN/that the@DT protein@NN level@NNS of@IN cyclin A@NP ,@, cyclin E@NN ,@, and@CC cyclin -dependent-@NN kinase (@( CDK@NP )@) 2@CD but@CC not@RB cyclin D1 and@CC CDK4 decrease@VVD after@IN progesterone@NN treatment@NN ,@, but@CC those@DT of@IN CDK-inhibitory@JJ protein@NNS ,@, p21 and@CC p27@JJ ,@, increase@VVD .@SENT #pmid=12897139 BMPER BMP2 NONE BMPER be@VBZ a@DT secrete@VVN protein@NN that@WDT directly@RB interact@VVZ with@IN BMP2 ,@, BMP4 ,@, and@CC BMP6 and@CC antagonize@VVZ BMP4 -dependent@NN Smad5 activation@NN .@SENT #pmid=12975472 TGFB1 TGFB2 Biological Context: organisme: mouse Levels@NP of@IN TGF-beta1 and@CC TGF-beta2 ,@, which@WDT act@VVP as@IN protective@JJ agent@NNS in@IN CIA@NP ,@, be@VBD reduce@VVN in@IN CD69 -/@NN -@: mouse@NNS inflammatory@JJ focus@NNS ,@, correlate@VVG with@IN the@DT increase@NN in@IN the@DT proinflammatory@JJ cytokines@NNS IL-1beta@NP and@CC RANTES@NP .@SENT #pmid=14559213 POLH POLI Biological Context: composants: DNA POLH and@CC Poli be@VBP paralogs@NNS encode@VVG low-fidelity@NN ,@, class@NN Y@NN ,@, DNA@NN polymerases@NNS involve@VVN in@IN replication@NN of@IN damaged@JJ DNA@NN in@IN the@DT human@JJ disease@NN xeroderma@NN pigmentosum@NN variant@NN .@SENT #pmid=14559213 POLH POLI Biological Context: "the@DT human@JJ disease@NN xeroderma@NN pigmentosum@NN" POLH and@CC Poli be@VBP paralogs@NNS encode@VVG low-fidelity@NN ,@, class@NN Y@NN ,@, DNA@NN polymerases@NNS involve@VVN in@IN replication@NN of@IN damaged@JJ DNA@NN in@IN the@DT human@JJ disease@NN xeroderma@NN pigmentosum@NN variant@NN .@SENT #pmid=14638995 TLR2 MYD88 Biological Context: situationBiolo: infection also@RB ,@, there@EX may@MD be@VB a@DT TLR2 -specific@JJ ,@, MyD88 -independent@NN IL-1@JJ receptor/@NN TLR-mediated@JJ pathway@NN to@TO activate@VV NF-kappa@NP B@NP in@IN the@DT host@NN defense@NN against@IN mycobacterial@JJ infection@NN .@SENT #pmid=14714584 ARC ANG NONE the@DT decrease@NNS in@IN ARC of@IN the@DT Aogen+CV11974-treated@JJ cell@NNS (@( n=6@JJ primary@JJ culture@NNS )@) be@VBD inhibit@VVD by@IN an@DT Ang II@NP type@NN 2@CD receptor@NN blocker@NN ,@, PD123319@NP (@( @card@@CD micromol/@NN l@NN )@) .@SENT #pmid=14976350 GTSE1 MDM2 Modality: observation_experiment: identify among@IN gene@NNS whose@WP$ expression@NN be@VBZ alter@VVN by@IN both@DT HS@NN and@CC 4CP@JJ ,@, cluster@NN analysis@NN identify@VVD three@CD p53@NN target@NN gene@NNS (@( Cyclin@NP G1@NP ,@, Gtse1 ,@, and@CC Mdm2 )@) ,@, and@CC follow@VV up@RP study@NNS confirm@VVD that@IN/that p53@NN be@VBZ activate@VVN in@IN embryo@NNS expose@VVN to@TO these@DT two@CD teratogens@NNS .@SENT #pmid=15581361 CBL PIK3CG NONE requirement@NNS for@IN pYXXM@NN motif@NNS in@IN <gene_name="CBL">Cbl </gene> for@IN bind@VVG to@TO the@DT p85@JJ subunit@NN of@IN phosphatidylinositol@NN @card@@CD <gene_name="PIK3CG">kinase </gene> and@CC <gene_name="CRK">Crk </gene> ,@, and@CC activation@NN of@IN atypical@JJ protein@NN <gene_name="PIK3CG">kinase </gene> C@NP and@CC glucose@NN transport@NN during@IN <gene_name="IRS1">insulin </gene> action@NN in@IN 3T3/@JJ L1@JJ adipocytes@NNS .@SENT #pmid=15652490 PXN EGFR NONE furthermore@RB ,@, FAK and@CC paxillin phosphorylation@NN be@VBD markedly@RB block@VVN after@IN treatment@NN of@IN HUVEC@NP with@IN AG1478@NP ,@, a@DT selective@JJ inhibitor@NN of@IN epidermal@JJ growth@NN factor@NN receptor@NN (@( EGFR )@) phosphorylation@NN .@SENT #pmid=15713663 CCND1 PPARG Modality: hypotheses: suggest Collectively@NP ,@, these@DT study@NNS suggest@VVP an@DT important@JJ role@NN of@IN cyclin D1 in@IN regulation@NN of@IN PPARgamma -mediated@JJ adipocyte@NN differentiation@NN through@IN recruitment@NN of@IN HDACs@NP to@TO regulate@VV PPAR@NP response@NN element@NN local@JJ chromatin@NN structure@NN and@CC PPARgamma function@NN .@SENT #pmid=15855163 EGFR AKT1 NONE these@DT finding@NNS reveal@VVP that@IN/that the@DT EP1@JJ receptor@NN transactivated@VVD EGFR ,@, thus@RB activate@VVG Akt .@SENT #pmid=15925322 MAP3K5 PDCD6 NONE since@IN ALG-2 associate@NNS with@IN ASK1 ,@, and@CC both@DT ASK1 and@CC ALG-2 be@VBP involve@VVN in@IN apoptosis@NN ,@, our@PP$ observation@NNS indicate@VVP that@IN/that Raf-1@NP may@MD mediate@VV its@PP$ anti-apoptotic@JJ function@NN by@IN interrupt@VVG ASK1 -dependent@JJ phosphorylation@NN of@IN ALG-2 .@SENT #pmid=16529740 MAP3K1 BAK1 NONE furthermore@RB ,@, inducible@JJ expression@NN of@IN a@DT constitutively@RB active@JJ form@NN of@IN MEKK1 lead@VVN to@TO Bak conformational@JJ activation@NN ,@, but@CC not@RB to@TO @card@@CD kDa@NN complex@NNS .@SENT #pmid=16707202 CCL4 GPT Biological Context: liver dammage CCl4 -induced@JJ rat@NNS liver@NN damage@NN and@CC significantly@RB (@( p@NN <@NN ;@: @card@@CD )@) increase@VVD the@DT Got@NP ,@, GPT ,@, LDH@NP and@CC Alp@NP level@NNS in@IN serum@NN as@IN compare@VVN with@IN the@DT control@NN group@NN .@SENT #pmid=16792568 IL10 IL23A Biological Context: situationBiolo: vitro acute@JJ intoxication@NN increase@NNS lung@NN and@CC Bal@NN cell@NN IL-10 mRNA@NN expression@NN 2@CD hour@NNS after@IN in@IN vivo@JJ infection@NN and@CC ,@, in@IN vitro@NN ,@, recombinant@JJ IL-10 inhibit@VVZ AM@NP IL-23 expression@NN .@SENT #pmid=16866775 NOS1 NOS3 Modality: related_work: study Recent@JJ study@NNS have@VHP emphasize@VVN the@DT role@NN of@IN post-translational@JJ regulation@NN of@IN nNOS and@CC eNOS in@IN the@DT regulation@NN of@IN no@DT synthesis@NN in@IN the@DT kidney@NN .@SENT #pmid=16866775 NOS1 NOS3 Biological Context: Kidney Recent@JJ study@NNS have@VHP emphasize@VVN the@DT role@NN of@IN post-translational@JJ regulation@NN of@IN nNOS and@CC eNOS in@IN the@DT regulation@NN of@IN no@DT synthesis@NN in@IN the@DT kidney@NN .@SENT #pmid=17344426 GREM2 USP2 NONE besides@IN Sgk1 ,@, the@DT induce@VVN mRNA@NN include@VVP Grem2 (@( protein@NN relate@VVN to@TO Dan@NP and@CC cerebrus@NNS [@SYM PRDC ]@SYM )@) ,@, activate@VVG transcription@NN factor@NN 3@CD ,@, camp responsive@JJ element@NN modulator@NN ,@, and@CC the@DT ubiquitin -specific@JJ protease@NN Usp2 @card@@CD .@SENT #pmid=17414604 MSH2 MLH1 Biological Context: situationBiolo: cancer SUMMARY@NP BACKGROUND@NP Data@NP :@: we@PP previously@RB describe@VVD a@DT founder@NN mutation@NN ,@, MSH2 *1906G@NN >@NN ;@: C@NP (@( A636P@NP )@) that@WDT cause@VVZ HNPCC in@IN @card@@CD @card@@CD (@( @card@@CD %@NN )@) of@IN Ashkenazim@NP with@IN colorectal@JJ cancer@NN .@SENT #pmid=17486092 CCR6 CCR4 Biological Context: "human memory" we@PP report@VVP here@RB that@DT expression@NN of@IN CCR6 and@CC CCR4 together@RB identify@VVN human@JJ memory@NN CD4+@NP T@NN cell@NNS selectively@RB produce@VVG IL-17 and@CC express@VVG mRNA@NN encode@VVG the@DT human@JJ ortholog@NN of@IN mouse@NN RORgammat@NP ,@, a@DT transcription@NN factor@NN ,@, whereas@IN CCR6 and@CC CXCR3 identify@VVD T(H)1@JJ cell@NNS produce@VVG interferon-gamma@NNS and@CC T@NN helper@NN cell@NNS produce@VVG both@DT interferon-gamma@NN and@CC IL-17 .@SENT #pmid=17553313 CD80 CD86 Modality: hypotheses: investigate objective@NN :@: To@TO investigate@VV the@DT role@NN of@IN proteasome@JJ inhibitor@NNS MG132@JJ in@IN the@DT induce@VVG the@DT expression@NN of@IN the@DT costimulatory@JJ molecule@NNS CD80 and@CC CD86 in@IN leukemia@NN cell@NNS and@CC its@PP$ effect@NN on@IN allogeneic@JJ mixed@JJ lymphocyte@NN reaction@NN .@SENT #pmid=17553313 CD80 CD86 Biological Context: leukemia objective@NN :@: To@TO investigate@VV the@DT role@NN of@IN proteasome@JJ inhibitor@NNS MG132@JJ in@IN the@DT induce@VVG the@DT expression@NN of@IN the@DT costimulatory@JJ molecule@NNS CD80 and@CC CD86 in@IN leukemia@NN cell@NNS and@CC its@PP$ effect@NN on@IN allogeneic@JJ mixed@JJ lymphocyte@NN reaction@NN .@SENT #pmid=17616278 CP JAK3 Biological Context: composants: molecule these@DT small@JJ molecule@NNS include@VVP FTY720@NP ,@, a@DT sphingosine@NN phosphate-receptor@NN modulator@NN ,@, FK778@NP ,@, an@DT inhibitor@NN of@IN pyrimidine@NN synthesis@NN ,@, CP @card@@CD ,@, a@DT JAK3 inhibitor@NN ,@, and@CC AEB-071@JJ ,@, a protein kinase C@NP inhibitor@NN .@SENT #pmid=17669570 GLS GLS2 Modality: perform we@PP perform@VVD a@DT case-control@NN genetic@JJ association@NN analysis@NN of@IN the@DT glutaminase 1@CD (@( GLS )@) and@CC 2@CD (@( GLS2 )@) gene@NNS .@SENT #pmid=18253748 COL1A1 PDGFB NONE so@RB far@RB ,@, the@DT COL1A1 -@: PDGFB fusion@NN gene@NN remain@VVZ the@DT sole@JJ fusion@NN gene@NN identify@VVN in@IN DFSP@NP .@SENT #pmid=18314481 MDM2 TP53 Modality: observation_experiment: identify several@JJ small-molecule@NN MDM2 antagonist@NNS have@VHP already@RB be@VBN identify@VVN that@IN/that either@RB physically@RB inhibit@VV the@DT p53 -@: MDM2 bind@VVG or@CC the@DT E3@NP ligase@NN function@NN of@IN MDM2 .@SENT #pmid=18374309 ERBB4 PSD Biological Context: organisme: mouse in@IN mouse@NN cerebellar@JJ granule@NN neuron@NNS the@DT effect@NNS of@IN neuregulin-1@JJ (@( type@NN I@NN )@) be@VBP mediate@VVN by@IN a@DT homo-dimeric@JJ ErbB4 receptor@NN ,@, which@WDT can@MD interact@VV with@IN the@DT PSD @card@@CD protein@NN through@IN a@DT C-terminal@JJ motif@NN .@SENT #pmid=18435806 TNF CXCL10 Modality: observation_experiment: reveal we@PP reveal@VVD that@IN/that TNF -alpha@NN stimulation@NN induce@VVD CXCL10 production@NN by@IN HGFs@NP .@SENT #pmid=18490763 TLR7 CXCL10 Biological Context: "astrocyte activation and up-regulation of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines" the@DT TLR7 agonist@NN imiquimod@NN induce@VVD astrocyte@NN activation@NN and@CC up-regulation@NN of@IN proinflammatory@JJ cytokines@NNS and@CC chemokines@NNS ,@, include@VVG IFN-beta@NP ,@, TNF ,@, CCL2 ,@, and@CC CXCL10 .@SENT #pmid=18549612 SOCS3 BCR Modality: observation_experiment: observe the@DT association@NN jak2v617f@NN point@NN mutation@NN with@IN socs3 mRNA@NN expression@NN in@IN bcr -abl@NN negative@JJ MPD@NP patient@NNS be@VBD observe@VVN and@CC analyze@VVN .@SENT #pmid=18549612 SOCS3 BCR Biological Context: mRNA expression the@DT association@NN jak2v617f@NN point@NN mutation@NN with@IN socs3 mRNA@NN expression@NN in@IN bcr -abl@NN negative@JJ MPD@NP patient@NNS be@VBD observe@VVN and@CC analyze@VVN .@SENT #pmid=19047464 FER CTNNB1 NONE Fer or@CC SHP-2 depletion@NN result@NNS in@IN elevated@JJ tyrosine@NN phosphorylation@NN of@IN beta-catenin .@SENT #pmid=19112861 CCL3 CCL Modality: observation_experiment: find Results@NP :@: we@PP find@VVD statistically@RB increase@VVN level@NNS of@IN chemokines@NNS CCL3 /@SYM MIP @card@@CD alfa@NN and@CC CCL4 /@SYM MIP @card@@CD beta@NN in@IN film@NN tear@NNS of@IN patient@NNS with@IN dry@JJ eye@NN syndrom@NN compare@VVN with@IN control@NN group@NN .@SENT #pmid=19112861 CCL3 CCL Biological Context: "film tears of patient with dry eye syndrom" Results@NP :@: we@PP find@VVD statistically@RB increase@VVN level@NNS of@IN chemokines@NNS CCL3 /@SYM MIP @card@@CD alfa@NN and@CC CCL4 /@SYM MIP @card@@CD beta@NN in@IN film@NN tear@NNS of@IN patient@NNS with@IN dry@JJ eye@NN syndrom@NN compare@VVN with@IN control@NN group@NN .@SENT #pmid=19172738 GAB2 GRB2 NONE Gab2 signal@VVG be@VBZ promote@VVN by@IN its@PP$ association@NN with@IN specific@JJ receptor@NNS through@IN the@DT adaptor@NN Grb2 .@SENT #pmid=2055202 VIP PRL Modality: observation_experiment: observation these@DT observation@NNS be@VBP consistent@JJ with@IN the@DT view@NN that@IN/that in@IN incubate@VVG hen@NNS hypothalamic@JJ VIP ,@, in@IN addition@NN to@TO act@VVG as@IN a@DT PRL release@VVG hormone@NN ,@, also@RB play@VVZ a@DT major@JJ role@NN in@IN the@DT regulation@NN of@IN the@DT amount@NN of@IN PRL mRNA@NN in@IN the@DT anterior@JJ pituitary@JJ gland@NN .@SENT #pmid=2055202 VIP PRL Biological Context: "mRNA" "pituitary gland" these@DT observation@NNS be@VBP consistent@JJ with@IN the@DT view@NN that@IN/that in@IN incubate@VVG hen@NNS hypothalamic@JJ VIP ,@, in@IN addition@NN to@TO act@VVG as@IN a@DT PRL release@VVG hormone@NN ,@, also@RB play@VVZ a@DT major@JJ role@NN in@IN the@DT regulation@NN of@IN the@DT amount@NN of@IN PRL mRNA@NN in@IN the@DT anterior@JJ pituitary@JJ gland@NN .@SENT #pmid=8615756 SERPINE1 NRK Modality: hypotheses: indicate Pai @card@@CD transcript@NN accumulation@NN at@IN 4@CD and@CC 8@CD h@NN post-stimulation@NN in@IN newly@RB adherent@JJ cell@NNS ,@, moreover@RB ,@, be@VBD block@VVN by@IN puromycin@NN ,@, indicate@VVG that@IN/that both@DT immediate-early@JJ and@CC secondary@JJ mechanism@NNS regulate@VV Pai @card@@CD mRNA@NN level@NNS during@IN progression@NN of@IN NRK cell@NNS through@IN an@DT 'activated@NN '@POS G1@JJ growth@NN phase@NN .@SENT #pmid=8615756 SERPINE1 NRK Biological Context: "mRNA" Pai @card@@CD transcript@NN accumulation@NN at@IN 4@CD and@CC 8@CD h@NN post-stimulation@NN in@IN newly@RB adherent@JJ cell@NNS ,@, moreover@RB ,@, be@VBD block@VVN by@IN puromycin@NN ,@, indicate@VVG that@IN/that both@DT immediate-early@JJ and@CC secondary@JJ mechanism@NNS regulate@VV Pai @card@@CD mRNA@NN level@NNS during@IN progression@NN of@IN NRK cell@NNS through@IN an@DT 'activated@NN '@POS G1@JJ growth@NN phase@NN .@SENT #pmid=8824725 TP53 MLL Biological Context: organisme: patient overall@RB ,@, our@PP$ datum@NNS suggest@VVP that@IN/that (@( 1@LS )@) TP53 inactivation@NN be@VBZ a@DT relatively@RB common@JJ event@NN in@IN leukemias@NNS with@IN MLL rearrangement@NNS irrespective@RB of@IN the@DT leukemic@JJ phenotype@NN and@CC of@IN the@DT patient@NNS '@POS age@NN ;@: (@( 2@LS )@) at@IN least@JJS two@CD genetic@JJ lesion@NNS (@( I.@NP E.@NP ,@, MLL rearrangement@NN and@CC TP53 mutation@NN )@) have@VHP accumulate@VVN in@IN the@DT short@JJ time@NN (@( few@JJ week@NNS after@IN the@DT birth@NN or@CC conception@NN of@IN the@DT child@NN )@) corresponding@JJ to@TO the@DT development@NN of@IN acute@JJ leukemias@NNS of@IN infancy@NN .@SENT #pmid=8824725 TP53 MLL Biological Context: leukemic or leukemias overall@RB ,@, our@PP$ datum@NNS suggest@VVP that@IN/that (@( 1@LS )@) TP53 inactivation@NN be@VBZ a@DT relatively@RB common@JJ event@NN in@IN leukemias@NNS with@IN MLL rearrangement@NNS irrespective@RB of@IN the@DT leukemic@JJ phenotype@NN and@CC of@IN the@DT patient@NNS '@POS age@NN ;@: (@( 2@LS )@) at@IN least@JJS two@CD genetic@JJ lesion@NNS (@( I.@NP E.@NP ,@, MLL rearrangement@NN and@CC TP53 mutation@NN )@) have@VHP accumulate@VVN in@IN the@DT short@JJ time@NN (@( few@JJ week@NNS after@IN the@DT birth@NN or@CC conception@NN of@IN the@DT child@NN )@) corresponding@JJ to@TO the@DT development@NN of@IN acute@JJ leukemias@NNS of@IN infancy@NN .@SENT #pmid=9058789 TRAF2 CD40 Modality: related_work: know the@DT code@VVG region@NN of@IN TNF receptor-associated factor 2 (@( TRAF2 )@) ,@, which@WDT be@VBZ know@VVN to@TO interact@VV with@IN CD40 for@IN NF-kappaB@NP induction@NN ,@, be@VBD also@RB find@VVN to@TO be@VB normal@JJ in@IN B@NP cell@NN line@NNS deficient@JJ in@IN NF-kappaB@NP induction@NN .@SENT #pmid=9231796 SP1 HSD17B1 Modality: hypotheses: suggest Mutation@NP of@IN the@DT Sp1 -binding@NN site@NN decrease@VVD the@DT promoter@NN activity@NN to@TO @card@@CD %@NN in@IN JEG-3@NP cell@NNS and@CC to@TO @card@@CD %@NN in@IN JAR@NP cell@NNS ,@, suggest@VVG that@IN/that bind@VVG to@TO the@DT Sp1 motif@NN have@VHZ a@DT substantial@JJ role@NN in@IN the@DT complete@JJ functioning@NN of@IN the@DT HSD17B1 promoter@NN .@SENT #pmid=10878610 EXT1 EXT2 Modality: observation_experiment: find the@DT identical@JJ expression@NN pattern@NNS find@VVN for@IN the@DT EXT1 and@CC EXT2 gene@NNS support@VVP the@DT recent@JJ observation@NN that@IN/that both@DT protein@NNS form@VVP a@DT glycosyltransferase@NN complex@NN .@SENT #pmid=10978848 PRL STAT1 Modality: demonstration: demonstrate our@PP$ result@NNS demonstrate@VVP the@DT ability@NN of@IN PRL to@TO concurrently@RB induce@VV activation@NN of@IN PLD@NP ,@, a@DT mitogenic@JJ signal@VVG pathway@NN in@IN astrocyte@NNS ,@, and@CC prolonged@JJ stimulation@NN of@IN Stat1 ,@, compatible@JJ with@IN the@DT increase@VVN GFAP upregulation@NN and@CC cell@NN differentiation@NN .@SENT #pmid=11090473 CCL5 CCL11 Modality: demonstration: demonstrate conclusion@NNS :@: these@DT result@NNS demonstrate@VVP an@DT increase@NN in@IN the@DT expression@NN of@IN RANTES ,@, eotaxin ,@, MCP-1 ,@, and@CC MCP-3 in@IN the@DT conjunctiva@NN of@IN patient@NNS with@IN VKC@NP compare@VVN with@IN control@NN subject@NNS .@SENT #pmid=11090473 CCL5 CCL11 Biological Context: "in the conjunctiva of patient" conclusion@NNS :@: these@DT result@NNS demonstrate@VVP an@DT increase@NN in@IN the@DT expression@NN of@IN RANTES ,@, eotaxin ,@, MCP-1 ,@, and@CC MCP-3 in@IN the@DT conjunctiva@NN of@IN patient@NNS with@IN VKC@NP compare@VVN with@IN control@NN subject@NNS .@SENT #pmid=11181049 BCL2L1 CASP1 Biological Context: situationBiolo: death in@IN contrast@NN ,@, ectopic@JJ expression@NN of@IN BCL-X (@( L@NP )@) prevent@VVZ drug-induced@JJ cytochrome@NN c@SYM release@NN ,@, caspase activation@NN and@CC cell@NN death@NN .@SENT #pmid=11303586 CYP17A1 SRD5A2 Modality: observation_experiment: identify polymorphism@NNS have@VHP be@VBN identify@VVN in@IN the@DT 17-hydroxylase@NN cytochrome@NN P450@JJ gene@NN (@( CYP17 )@) and@CC the@DT steroid@NN 5alpha-@NN reductase type@NN II@NP gene@NN (@( SRD5A2 )@) ,@, two@CD gene@NNS that@WDT be@VBP involve@VVN in@IN the@DT biosynthesis@NN and@CC metabolism@NN of@IN androgen@NNS in@IN man@NNS .@SENT #pmid=11303586 CYP17A1 SRD5A2 Biological Context: "androgens in man" polymorphism@NNS have@VHP be@VBN identify@VVN in@IN the@DT 17-hydroxylase@NN cytochrome@NN P450@JJ gene@NN (@( CYP17 )@) and@CC the@DT steroid@NN 5alpha-@NN reductase type@NN II@NP gene@NN (@( SRD5A2 )@) ,@, two@CD gene@NNS that@WDT be@VBP involve@VVN in@IN the@DT biosynthesis@NN and@CC metabolism@NN of@IN androgen@NNS in@IN man@NNS .@SENT #pmid=11404481 MYC STAT3 Modality: hypotheses: suggest ectopic@JJ expression@NN of@IN C-@NP Myc be@VBZ able@JJ to@TO partially@RB reverse@VV this@DT inhibition@NN ,@, suggest@VVG that@IN/that C-@NP Myc be@VBZ a@DT downstream@JJ effector@NN of@IN Stat3 signal@VVG in@IN v-Src@NN transformation@NN .@SENT #pmid=12163452 NOS3 APOE Biological Context: organisme: mouse however@RB ,@, eNOS dysfunction@NN ,@, demonstrate@VVN by@IN lower@RBR no@DT production@NN relative@JJ to@TO eNOS expression@NN and@CC enhanced@JJ superoxide@NN production@NN in@IN the@DT endothelium@NN ,@, be@VBD observe@VVN in@IN apoE -KO/@JJ eNOS -@: Tg mouse@NNS .@SENT #pmid=12323396 TARS TAT Biological Context: HIV-1 in@IN marked@JJ contrast@NN to@TO PNA(TAR-12@NP )@) and@CC PNA(TAR-13@NP )@) ,@, the@DT two@CD long@JJR PNA(@NP TARs )@) be@VBD able@JJ to@TO efficiently@RB sequester@VV the@DT targeted@JJ site@NN on@IN TAR@NP RNA@NP ,@, thereby@RB substantially@RB inhibit@VVG Tat -mediated@VVD transactivation@NN of@IN the@DT HIV-1@JJ LTR@NP .@SENT #pmid=12323396 TARS TAT NOT Biological Context: composants: RNA in@IN marked@JJ contrast@NN to@TO PNA(TAR-12@NP )@) and@CC PNA(TAR-13@NP )@) ,@, the@DT two@CD long@JJR PNA(@NP TARs )@) be@VBD able@JJ to@TO efficiently@RB sequester@VV the@DT targeted@JJ site@NN on@IN TAR@NP RNA@NP ,@, thereby@RB substantially@RB inhibit@VVG Tat -mediated@VVD transactivation@NN of@IN the@DT HIV-1@JJ LTR@NP .@SENT #pmid=12429713 CTLA4 CD80 NONE cell@NN surface@NN interaction@NNS between@IN the@DT T@NN cell@NN costimulatory@NN receptor@NNS ,@, CD28 and@CC cytotoxic@JJ T-lymphocyte@NP antigen-4@NP (@( CTLA4 )@) ,@, with@IN their@PP$ cognate@JJ ligand@NNS ,@, CD80 and@CC CD86 ,@, on@IN antigen-presenting@NN cell@NNS play@VVP an@DT important@JJ role@NN in@IN T@NN cell@NN activation@NN .@SENT #pmid=12509456 HRG BRCA1 Modality: demonstration: demonstrate it@PP be@VBD previously@RB demonstrate@VVN that@IN/that HRG induce@VVD the@DT phosphorylation@NN of@IN BRCA1 ,@, which@WDT be@VBD mediate@VVN by@IN the@DT phosphatidylinositol@NN @card@@CD kinase (@( PI3K )/@JJ Akt@NP pathway@NN .@SENT #pmid=12600078 TG APOE Biological Context: "hyperlipidemia" in@IN type@NN II@NP b@SYM hyperlipidemia@NN group@NN the@DT genotype@NN of@IN apoE2@NN be@VBD associate@VVN with@IN high@JJR serum@NN TG ,@, apoC@NP II@NP ,@, apoE level@NNS and@CC apoE /@SYM apoC@NP III@NP ratio@NN when@WRB compare@VVN with@IN the@DT genotype@NN of@IN apoE3@NN ;@: the@DT genotype@NN of@IN apoE4@NN be@VBD associate@VVN with@IN high@JJR serum@NN TC@NP ,@, nHDLC@NN and@CC apoE level@NNS when@WRB compare@VVN with@IN the@DT genotype@NNS E3@NP and@CC E2@NP (@( P@NN <@NN ;@: @card@@CD )@) .@SENT #pmid=12676564 STMN3 STMN1 NONE the@DT substantial@JJ expression@NN of@IN SCLIP in@IN most@JJS tissue@NNS point@NNS out@IN a@DT novel@JJ function@NN for@IN this@DT protein@NN outside@IN the@DT nervous@JJ system@NN and@CC raise@VVZ the@DT possibility@NN that@IN/that its@PP$ coexpression@NN with@IN stathmin could@MD provide@VV some@DT degree@NN of@IN functional@JJ redundancy@NN .@SENT #pmid=12761348 AHR CYP1A1 NONE siRNA@NN for@IN the@DT Ahr also@RB decrease@VVD 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin@JJ (@( TCDD)-induced@JJ CYP1A1 protein@NN ,@, CYP1A1 -dependent@NN activity@NN ,@, and@CC luciferase@NN activity@NN in@IN cell@NNS transfected@VVN with@IN an@DT Ah-responsive@NP construct@VV .@SENT #pmid=15023524 DEF6 CDC42 Modality: hypotheses: indicate This@NP indicate@VVD that@IN/that DEF6 act@VVZ upstream@RB of@IN the@DT Rho GTPases@NNS result@VVG in@IN the@DT activation@NN of@IN the@DT Cdc42 ,@, Rac1 ,@, and@CC RhoA signal@VVG pathway@NNS .@SENT #pmid=15099020 SNCA TG Biological Context: organisme: mouse this@DT bind@VVG be@VBZ not@RB due@JJ to@TO the@DT amount@NN of@IN alpha-synuclein (@( level@NNS of@IN which@WDT be@VBP high@JJR in@IN Tg mouse@NNS )@) and@CC it@PP be@VBZ not@RB dependent@JJ on@IN the@DT amount@NN of@IN Rab@NP protein@NN use@VVN in@IN the@DT assay@NN .@SENT #pmid=15172638 ERBB2 FAS Modality: observation_experiment: result take@VVN together@RB ,@, the@DT result@NNS present@VVD here@RB suggest@VV that@IN/that ErbB2 regulate@VVZ FAS expression@NN in@IN HNSCC@NP and@CC point@NN out@IN Ki-67 as@IN a@DT useful@JJ prognostic@JJ marker@NN for@IN these@DT tumor@NNS .@SENT #pmid=15172638 ERBB2 FAS NOT Biological Context: situationBiolo: tumor take@VVN together@RB ,@, the@DT result@NNS present@VVD here@RB suggest@VV that@IN/that ErbB2 regulate@VVZ FAS expression@NN in@IN HNSCC@NP and@CC point@NN out@IN Ki-67 as@IN a@DT useful@JJ prognostic@JJ marker@NN for@IN these@DT tumor@NNS .@SENT #pmid=15247247 SP1 CDK2 Biological Context: situationBiolo: vitro Sp1 bind@VVG be@VBZ enhance@VVN by@IN association@NN with@IN cyclin A/@NP E@NP and@CC CDK2 ,@, both@CC in@IN vivo@JJ and@CC in@IN vitro@NN .@SENT #pmid=15247247 SP1 CDK2 Biological Context: situationBiolo: vivo Sp1 bind@VVG be@VBZ enhance@VVN by@IN association@NN with@IN cyclin A/@NP E@NP and@CC CDK2 ,@, both@CC in@IN vivo@JJ and@CC in@IN vitro@NN .@SENT #pmid=15325019 SARS HMGB1 Modality: observation_experiment: observation in@IN light@NN of@IN observation@NNS that@IN/that three@CD Chinese@JJ herbal@JJ formulation@NNS recommend@VVN for@IN treatment@NN of@IN severe@JJ acute@JJ respiratory@JJ syndrome@NN (@( SARS )@) specifically@RB inhibit@VVD the@DT release@NN of@IN HMGB1 from@IN innate@JJ immune@JJ cell@NNS ,@, we@PP hypothesize@VVP that@IN/that HMGB1 might@MD occupy@VV a@DT pathogenic@JJ role@NN in@IN SARS by@IN mediate@VVG an@DT injurious@JJ pulmonary@JJ inflammatory@JJ response@NN .@SENT #pmid=15325019 SARS HMGB1 Biological Context: "for treatment of severe acute respiratory syndrome" in@IN light@NN of@IN observation@NNS that@IN/that three@CD Chinese@JJ herbal@JJ formulation@NNS recommend@VVN for@IN treatment@NN of@IN severe@JJ acute@JJ respiratory@JJ syndrome@NN (@( SARS )@) specifically@RB inhibit@VVD the@DT release@NN of@IN HMGB1 from@IN innate@JJ immune@JJ cell@NNS ,@, we@PP hypothesize@VVP that@IN/that HMGB1 might@MD occupy@VV a@DT pathogenic@JJ role@NN in@IN SARS by@IN mediate@VVG an@DT injurious@JJ pulmonary@JJ inflammatory@JJ response@NN .@SENT #pmid=15448697 DDB1 CAND1 NONE as@IN with@IN SKP1 -@: CUL1 ,@, the@DT DDB1 -@: CUL4A association@NN be@VBZ negatively@RB regulate@VVN by@IN the@DT cullin -associated@JJ and@CC neddylation-dissociated@JJ protein@NN ,@, CAND1 .@SENT #pmid=15964844 NR4A1 NFKB1 Biological Context: composants: fibroblast furthermore@RB ,@, induction@NN of@IN Nur77 expression@NN by@IN LPS@NP be@VBD severely@RB compromise@VVN in@IN fibroblast@NNS lack@VVG the@DT three@CD NF-kappaB@NP subunits@NN ,@, Nfkb1 ,@, C-@NP Rel ,@, and@CC RelA .@SENT #pmid=16039576 DDX58 CHUK NONE RIG-I induce@VVZ type@NN I@NN IFNs@NNS by@IN activate@VVG IRF3 via@IN IkappaB@NP kinase -related@JJ kinase@NNS .@SENT #pmid=16205636 CA2 ATF4 Modality: hypotheses: suggest these@DT result@NNS suggest@VVP that@IN/that the@DT Ca2 +-dependent@NN activation@NN of@IN the@DT PERK-eIF2alpha-@NP ATF4 pathway@NN be@VBZ involve@VVN in@IN the@DT upregulation@NN of@IN ER@JJ chaperone@NNS by@IN celecoxib@NN .@SENT #pmid=16205636 CA2 ATF4 NOT Modality: observation_experiment: result these@DT result@NNS suggest@VVP that@IN/that the@DT Ca2 +-dependent@NN activation@NN of@IN the@DT PERK-eIF2alpha-@NP ATF4 pathway@NN be@VBZ involve@VVN in@IN the@DT upregulation@NN of@IN ER@JJ chaperone@NNS by@IN celecoxib@NN .@SENT #pmid=16278001 PDC CCR7 Biological Context: "HIV-infected" Stimulated@JJ CD4+@NP cell@NNS induce@VVD PDC activation@NN and@CC maturation@NN ;@: marker@NNS for@IN PDC migration@NN (@( CCR7 )@) be@VBD enhance@VVN by@IN HIV-infected@JJ CD4+@NP cell@NNS only@RB .@SENT #pmid=16354689 CA3 SLC4A3 NONE in@IN the@DT pyramidal@JJ cell@NN layer@NN of@IN the@DT hippocampal@JJ CA3 region@NN ,@, where@WRB AE3 be@VBZ strongly@RB express@VVN ,@, disruption@NN of@IN AE3 abolish@VVD sodium-independent@JJ chloride-bicarbonate@JJ exchange@NN .@SENT #pmid=16897429 SPDEF BIRC5 Biological Context: composants: DNA PDEF -specific@NN shRNA-mediated@VVD silence@VVG of@IN PDEF expression@NN result@VVN in@IN the@DT upregulation@NN of@IN survivin expression@NN in@IN MCF-7@JJ cell@NNS ,@, which@WDT be@VBD associate@VVN with@IN increase@VVN cell@NN growth@NN and@CC resistance@NN to@TO drug-induced@JJ DNA@NN fragmentation@NN (@( apoptosis@NN )@) .@SENT #pmid=16973241 APP SOAT1 NONE App be@VBZ involve@VVN in@IN this@DT shuttle@NN as@IN it@PP metabolise@VVZ cholesterol@NN to@TO 7-betahydroxycholesterol@NP ,@, a@DT substrate@NN of@IN SOAT1 and@CC HSD11B1 ,@, bind@VVZ to@TO APOE and@CC be@VBZ tether@VVN to@TO LRP1 via@IN APPB1@JJ ,@, APBB2 and@CC APBB3 at@IN the@DT cytoplasmic@JJ domain@NN and@CC via@IN LRPAP1 at@IN the@DT extracellular@JJ domain@NN .@SENT #pmid=17041622 RHEB TSC1 NONE Insulin/@NP IGF@NP enhance@VVZ Rheb GTP@NP charge@VVG through@IN the@DT ability@NN of@IN activate@VVN Akt@NP to@TO inhibit@VV the@DT Rheb -GTPase-activating@VVG function@NN of@IN the@DT tuberous@JJ sclerosis@NN heterodimer@NN (@( TSC1 /@SYM TSC2 )@) .@SENT #pmid=17108320 CDK5 MAPK1 Modality: demonstration: show previously@RB ,@, we@PP show@VVD that@IN/that Cdk5 phosphorylation@NN of@IN mitogen-@NN activate protein kinase kinase (@( MEK)1@NN inhibit@VVZ transient@JJ activation@NN induce@VVN by@IN nerve@NN growth@NN factor@NN (@( NGF )@) in@IN PC12@JJ cell@NNS .@SENT #pmid=17178637 NQO1 GSTT1 Modality: demonstration: show a@DT three@CD gene@NNS '@POS interaction@NN show@VVD that@IN/that there@EX be@VBD a@DT 20.41-fold@JJ (@( @card@@CD %@NN CI@NP =@SYM @card@@CD )@) increase@VVD risk@NN of@IN CBP@NP in@IN subject@NNS with@IN the@DT NQO1 609C@JJ >@NN ;@: T@NN T/@NP T@NN genotype@NN and@CC with@IN the@DT GSTT1 null@NN genotype@NN and@CC the@DT GSTM1 null@NN genotype@NN compare@VVN with@IN those@DT carry@VVG the@DT NQO1 609C@JJ >@NN ;@: T@NN C/@NP T@NN and@CC C/@NP C@NP genotype@NN ,@, GSTT1 non-null@JJ genotype@NN ,@, and@CC GSTM1 non-null@JJ genotype@NN .@SENT #pmid=17237956 CYP8B1 CYP7A1 Biological Context: organisme: mouse specific@JJ Cyp8b1 and@CC Cyp7a1 peptide@NN antiserum@NNS be@VBD use@VVN for@IN immunohistochemical@JJ stain@VVG of@IN liver@NNS from@IN wild@JJ type@NN and@CC Cyp8b1 null@NN mouse@NNS ,@, the@DT latter@NN instead@RB express@VVG beta-galactosidase@NN (@( beta-@NN Gal )@) as@IN a@DT replacement@NN reporter@NN gene@NN .@SENT #pmid=17237956 CYP8B1 CYP7A1 Biological Context: "liver" specific@JJ Cyp8b1 and@CC Cyp7a1 peptide@NN antiserum@NNS be@VBD use@VVN for@IN immunohistochemical@JJ stain@VVG of@IN liver@NNS from@IN wild@JJ type@NN and@CC Cyp8b1 null@NN mouse@NNS ,@, the@DT latter@NN instead@RB express@VVG beta-galactosidase@NN (@( beta-@NN Gal )@) as@IN a@DT replacement@NN reporter@NN gene@NN .@SENT #pmid=17699734 CAMP LHB Biological Context: "in LbetaT2 clonal gonadotroph cell" elevated@JJ intracellular@JJ camp stimulate@VVN Lhb promoter@NN activity@NN in@IN LbetaT2@NP clonal@JJ gonadotroph@NN cell@NNS ,@, alone@RB and@CC with@IN GnRH1 .@SENT #pmid=17855497 ANG NTS Biological Context: "ablation of the area postrema" after@IN acute@JJ ablation@NN of@IN the@DT area@NN postrema@NN ,@, a@DT background@NN infusion@NN of@IN ANG II@NP still@RB cause@VVD an@DT upward@JJ shift@NN of@IN the@DT cardiac@JJ baroreflex@NN curve@NN ,@, which@WDT be@VBD reverse@VVN by@IN subsequent@JJ microinjection@NN of@IN candesartan@NN into@IN the@DT medial@JJ NTS .@SENT #pmid=17932312 APC MAPK1 Modality: observation_experiment: find use@VVG siRNA@NN ,@, we@PP find@VVD that@IN/that the@DT effect@NN of@IN APC on@IN the@DT EGR-1/@NP ERK signal@VVG require@VVN for@IN Trail inhibition@NN be@VBD dependent@JJ on@IN the@DT S1P1@JJ receptor@NN and@CC S1P1@JJ kinase .@SENT #pmid=17986864 EGFR MET Biological Context: situationBiolo: vitro Treatment@NP of@IN the@DT cell@NNS with@IN a@DT combination@NN employ@VVG both@DT EGFR and@CC C-@NP Met kinase@NN inhibitor@NNS dramatically@RB decrease@VVD cell@NN viability@NN in@IN vitro@NN .@SENT #pmid=18056480 TLR2 PAM NONE we@PP analyze@VVD the@DT signal@NN transduction@NN pathway@NNS activate@VVN through@IN the@DT different@JJ TLR2 dimer@NNS use@VVG the@DT three@CD LP@NP ,@, palmitic@JJ acid@NN (@( Pam )octanoic@JJ acid@NN (@( Oct)(2)C-(VPGVG)(4)VPGKG@NP ,@, fibroblast-stimulating@VVG LP-1@JJ ,@, and@CC Pam (@( 2)C-SK(4@JJ )@) .@SENT #pmid=18174366 VIP CAMP Modality: observation_experiment: find use@VVG the@DT low-affinity@NN formyl@NN peptide@NN receptor-like@JJ 1@CD (@( FPRL1 )@) antagonist@NN Trp-Arg-Trp-Trp-Trp-Trp@NP (@( WRW4@NP )@) and@CC the@DT exchange@NN protein@NN directly@RB activate@VVN by@IN cAMP (@( EPAC)-specific@JJ compound@JJ 8CPT-2Me-@JJ camp and@CC measure@VVG the@DT expression@NN of@IN Rap1@JJ GTPase-activating@JJ protein@NN as@IN an@DT indicator@NN of@IN EPAC@NP activation@NN ,@, we@PP find@VVD that@IN/that the@DT proinflammatory@JJ effect@NN of@IN VIP be@VBZ mediate@VVN via@IN the@DT specific@JJ G@NP protein-coupled@JJ receptor@NN VIP /@SYM pituitary@JJ adenylate@JJ cyclase-activating@NN protein@NN (@( VPAC1@JJ )@) receptor@NN as@IN well@RB as@RB via@IN FPRL1 :@: VIP /@SYM VPAC1@JJ interaction@NN be@VBZ associate@VVN with@IN a@DT camp increase@NN and@CC activation@NN of@IN a@DT camp /@SYM p38@JJ MAPK@NP pathway@NN ,@, which@WDT regulate@VVZ MMP-9@JJ ,@, CD35 ,@, and@CC CD11b exocytosis@NN ,@, and@CC a@DT camp /@SYM EPAC/@NP PI-3K/@NP ERK@NP pathway@NN ,@, which@WDT regulate@VVZ CD11b expression@NN ;@: VIP /@SYM FPRL1 interaction@NN result@NNS in@IN camp -independent@NN PI-3K/@NP ERK@NP activation@NN with@IN downstream@JJ integrin up-regulation@NN .@SENT #pmid=18174366 VIP CAMP NOT Biological Context: composants: peptid use@VVG the@DT low-affinity@NN formyl@NN peptide@NN receptor-like@JJ 1@CD (@( FPRL1 )@) antagonist@NN Trp-Arg-Trp-Trp-Trp-Trp@NP (@( WRW4@NP )@) and@CC the@DT exchange@NN protein@NN directly@RB activate@VVN by@IN cAMP (@( EPAC)-specific@JJ compound@JJ 8CPT-2Me-@JJ camp and@CC measure@VVG the@DT expression@NN of@IN Rap1@JJ GTPase-activating@JJ protein@NN as@IN an@DT indicator@NN of@IN EPAC@NP activation@NN ,@, we@PP find@VVD that@IN/that the@DT proinflammatory@JJ effect@NN of@IN VIP be@VBZ mediate@VVN via@IN the@DT specific@JJ G@NP protein-coupled@JJ receptor@NN VIP /@SYM pituitary@JJ adenylate@JJ cyclase-activating@NN protein@NN (@( VPAC1@JJ )@) receptor@NN as@IN well@RB as@RB via@IN FPRL1 :@: VIP /@SYM VPAC1@JJ interaction@NN be@VBZ associate@VVN with@IN a@DT camp increase@NN and@CC activation@NN of@IN a@DT camp /@SYM p38@JJ MAPK@NP pathway@NN ,@, which@WDT regulate@VVZ MMP-9@JJ ,@, CD35 ,@, and@CC CD11b exocytosis@NN ,@, and@CC a@DT camp /@SYM EPAC/@NP PI-3K/@NP ERK@NP pathway@NN ,@, which@WDT regulate@VVZ CD11b expression@NN ;@: VIP /@SYM FPRL1 interaction@NN result@NNS in@IN camp -independent@NN PI-3K/@NP ERK@NP activation@NN with@IN downstream@JJ integrin up-regulation@NN .@SENT #pmid=18572174 SP1 PON1 NONE the@DT cotransfection@NN of@IN Sp1 expression@NN vector@NN increase@VVD PON1 promoter@NN activity@NN ,@, and@CC mithramycin@NN suppress@VVD pitavastatin-enhanced@JJ PON1 promoter@NN activity@NN .@SENT #pmid=18636086 DDX58 IRF3 Biological Context: composants: RNA on@IN detect@VVG viral@JJ RNAs@NP ,@, the@DT RNA@NP helicase@NN retinoic@JJ acid-inducible@JJ gene@NN I@PP (@( RIG-I )@) activate@VVZ the@DT interferon regulatory factor 3 (@( IRF3 )@) signal@VVG pathway@NN to@TO induce@VV type@NN I@NN interferon@NN (@( IFN@NP )@) gene@NN transcription@NN .@SENT #pmid=18698092 SP1 PRM1 Biological Context: "megakaryocytic-platele" Collectively@NP ,@, these@DT datum@NNS establish@VV that@IN/that Sp1 ,@, Egr1 ,@, and@CC NF-E2@NP regulate@VV core@JJ Prm1 activity@NN in@IN the@DT megakaryocytic-platelet@NN progenitor@NN cell@NNS ,@, whereas@IN GATA-1@JJ and@CC Ets-1@JJ act@NN as@IN critical@JJ upstream@JJ activator@NNS ,@, hence@RB provide@VVG the@DT first@JJ genetic@JJ basis@NN for@IN the@DT expression@NN of@IN the@DT human@JJ TXA(2@NN )@) receptor@NN (@( TP@NP )@) within@IN the@DT vasculature@NN .@SENT #pmid=18784302 FOS AGRP Biological Context: "brain" we@PP use@VVD a@DT genetic@JJ approach@NN to@TO reduce@VV melanocortin@NN signal@VVG ,@, which@WDT attenuated@JJ Fos activation@NN in@IN some@DT brain@NN region@NNS after@IN ablation@NN of@IN AgRP neuron@NNS .@SENT #pmid=18840555 CD83 FAS Modality: observation_experiment: detect Immunohistochemical@JJ stain@VVG technique@NNS and@CC other@JJ method@NNS be@VBD use@VVN on@IN pathological@JJ tissue@NNS of@IN @card@@CD patient@NNS with@IN thyroid@JJ papillary@JJ carcinoma@NN (@( TPC@NP )@) and@CC @card@@CD case@NNS of@IN thyroid@JJ follicular@JJ adenoma@NN (@( TFA@NP ,@, as@IN control@NN )@) to@TO detect@VV the@DT expression@NN and@CC distribution@NN of@IN S-100@NP protein@NN ,@, CD83 ,@, Fas ,@, FasL@NP and@CC Bcl-2@NP .@SENT #pmid=18840555 CD83 FAS Biological Context: "thyroid papillary carcinoma" Immunohistochemical@JJ stain@VVG technique@NNS and@CC other@JJ method@NNS be@VBD use@VVN on@IN pathological@JJ tissue@NNS of@IN @card@@CD patient@NNS with@IN thyroid@JJ papillary@JJ carcinoma@NN (@( TPC@NP )@) and@CC @card@@CD case@NNS of@IN thyroid@JJ follicular@JJ adenoma@NN (@( TFA@NP ,@, as@IN control@NN )@) to@TO detect@VV the@DT expression@NN and@CC distribution@NN of@IN S-100@NP protein@NN ,@, CD83 ,@, Fas ,@, FasL@NP and@CC Bcl-2@NP .@SENT #pmid=6699682 MAP2 PSD Modality: hypotheses: suggest the@DT localization@NN of@IN MAP2 in@IN dendritic@JJ spine@NNS and@CC in@IN the@DT psd suggest@VVZ that@IN/that this@DT protein@NN may@MD have@VH a@DT biological@JJ role@NN independent@JJ of@IN its@PP$ association@NN with@IN microtubules@NNS .@SENT #pmid=7666202 CCND1 CDK Modality: hypotheses: indicate although@IN the@DT level@NNS of@IN cyclin D1 /@SYM cdk2 and@CC cyclin D1 /@SYM cdk4 complex@NNS increase@VVD follow@VVG NGF treatment@NN ,@, as@RB do@VVD cyclin D1 /@SYM Rb@NN complex@NNS ,@, the@DT associate@VVN kinase activity@NNS decline@VVD ,@, indicate@VVG that@IN/that NGF also@RB induce@VVZ an@DT inhibitor@NN of@IN cdk@NN kinase activity@NN .@SENT #pmid=8055899 SP1 SPN NONE these@DT result@NNS establish@VV that@IN/that Sp1 can@MD bind@VV to@TO the@DT promoter@NN and@CC positively@RB regulate@VVZ the@DT expression@NN of@IN the@DT leukosialin gene@NN .@SENT #pmid=9507943 NTRK1 NGF Modality: hypotheses: suggest this@DT finding@NN suggest@VVZ that@IN/that a@DT reduce@VVN expression@NN of@IN the@DT trkA receptor@NN may@MD contribute@VV to@TO impair@VVN NGF -@: trkA signal@VVG and@CC a@DT reduce@VVN transport@NN of@IN NGF in@IN cholinergic@JJ neuron@NNS .@SENT #pmid=9658438 MPL TPO Modality: hypotheses: examine we@PP examine@VVD the@DT expression@NN of@IN C-@NP mpl ,@, a@DT receptor@NN of@IN thrombopoietin@NN (@( TPO )@) ,@, and@CC its@PP$ signal@VVG molecule@NNS in@IN a@DT patient@NN with@IN ET@NN .@SENT #pmid=9658438 MPL TPO Biological Context: patient we@PP examine@VVD the@DT expression@NN of@IN C-@NP mpl ,@, a@DT receptor@NN of@IN thrombopoietin@NN (@( TPO )@) ,@, and@CC its@PP$ signal@VVG molecule@NNS in@IN a@DT patient@NN with@IN ET@NN .@SENT #pmid=9658438 MPL TPO NOT Biological Context: composants: molecule we@PP examine@VVD the@DT expression@NN of@IN C-@NP mpl ,@, a@DT receptor@NN of@IN thrombopoietin@NN (@( TPO )@) ,@, and@CC its@PP$ signal@VVG molecule@NNS in@IN a@DT patient@NN with@IN ET@NN .@SENT #pmid=9780003 E2F2 CDK2 Biological Context: situationBiolo: death similarly@RB ,@, expression@NN of@IN E2F-1@JJ or@CC E2F-2 be@VBD show@VVN to@TO have@VH distinct@JJ effect@NNS on@IN the@DT expression@NN of@IN cdk2 ,@, cyclin E@NN and@CC pRB@NN despite@IN both@DT of@IN these@DT closely@RB relate@VVN E2F-family@JJ member@NNS potently@RB induce@VVG cell@NN death@NN .@SENT #pmid=9930733 STX1A SYT1 NONE the@DT biochemical@JJ consequence@NNS of@IN Snare@NP protein@NN phosphorylation@NN include@VVD a@DT reduce@VVN interaction@NN between@IN SNAP @card@@CD and@CC phosphorylated@JJ syntaxin 4@CD and@CC an@DT enhanced@JJ interaction@NN between@IN phosphorylated@JJ syntaxin 1A@NP and@CC the@DT synaptic@JJ vesicle@NN protein@NN synaptotagmin I ,@, a@DT potential@JJ Ca2+@NP sensor@NN in@IN trigger@VVG synaptic@JJ vesicle@NN exocytosis@NN .@SENT #pmid=10101133 EGF ERBB4 NONE TGF-(@NP &@NN ;@: agr@NN ;@: )@) or@CC HB-@NP EGF bind@VVZ to@TO EGF -receptor@NN (@( ErbB1 )@) ,@, while@IN HB-@NP EGF ,@, in@IN addition@NN ,@, bind@VVZ to@TO ErbB4 .@SENT #pmid=10392899 WT1 ABCB1 Biological Context: situationBiolo: tumor we@PP demonstrate@VVP here@RB that@IN/that the@DT Wilms@NP '@POS tumor@NN (@( WT@NP )@) suppressor@NN ,@, WT1 ,@, a@DT member@NN of@IN the@DT EGR@NP family@NN ,@, inhibit@VVZ the@DT response@NN of@IN the@DT MDR1 promoter@NN to@TO TPA@NP in@IN K562@NP cell@NNS .@SENT #pmid=10487756 TF BRF1 Biological Context: composants: RNA transcription@NN factor@NN (@( TF )@) IIIB@NP recruit@VVZ RNA@NP polymerase (@( pol@NN )@) III@NP for@IN specific@JJ initiation@NN of@IN transcription@NN .@SENT #pmid=10618718 GAB1 CRK Modality: demonstration: show our@PP$ study@NNS show@VVP that@IN/that activate@VVN Met@NP associate@NNS with@IN ,@, and@CC phosphorylates@NNS ,@, the@DT dock@VVG protein@NN Gab1 ,@, which@WDT in@IN turn@NN bind@NNS to@TO the@DT src@NN homology@NN 2@CD (@( SH2)-domain@NP of@IN the@DT adapter@NN protein@NN Crk and@CC recruit@VVZ Crk to@TO the@DT Met@NP signal@VVG complex@JJ .@SENT #pmid=10618718 GAB1 CRK NOT Biological Context: relation: homology our@PP$ study@NNS show@VVP that@IN/that activate@VVN Met@NP associate@NNS with@IN ,@, and@CC phosphorylates@NNS ,@, the@DT dock@VVG protein@NN Gab1 ,@, which@WDT in@IN turn@NN bind@NNS to@TO the@DT src@NN homology@NN 2@CD (@( SH2)-domain@NP of@IN the@DT adapter@NN protein@NN Crk and@CC recruit@VVZ Crk to@TO the@DT Met@NP signal@VVG complex@JJ .@SENT #pmid=10733944 CDKN1A CDKN1A Biological Context: situationBiolo: tumor previously@RB ,@, we@PP find@VVD that@IN/that c-jun@NP repress@VVZ the@DT tumor@NN suppressor@NN p21 (@( (@( Waf1 /@SYM Cip1 /@SYM Sdi1 )@) )@) (@( p21 )@) gene@NN expression@NN .@SENT #pmid=10842075 ROBO2 SLIT2 Modality: observation_experiment: observe Coincident@NP expression@NN of@IN Robo1 with@IN Slit1 in@IN the@DT metanephric@JJ mesenchyme@NN and@CC Robo2 ,@, Slit2 and@CC Slit3 in@IN the@DT far@RB proximal@JJ end@NN of@IN the@DT S-shaped@JJ body@NNS be@VBD observe@VVN during@IN metanephric@JJ development@NN .@SENT #pmid=11583631 BCL2L1 BAX Biological Context: composants: molecule Comparison@NP of@IN wild-type@NN versus@IN mutant@JJ BCL-2@NP ,@, BCL-X (@( L@NP )@) indicate@VVZ these@DT antiapoptotics@NNS sequester@VVP BH3@NP domain-only@JJ molecule@NNS in@IN stable@JJ mitochondrial@JJ complex@NNS ,@, prevent@VVG the@DT activation@NN of@IN Bax ,@, Bak@NP .@SENT #pmid=11583631 BCL2L1 BAX Biological Context: mitochondrial Comparison@NP of@IN wild-type@NN versus@IN mutant@JJ BCL-2@NP ,@, BCL-X (@( L@NP )@) indicate@VVZ these@DT antiapoptotics@NNS sequester@VVP BH3@NP domain-only@JJ molecule@NNS in@IN stable@JJ mitochondrial@JJ complex@NNS ,@, prevent@VVG the@DT activation@NN of@IN Bax ,@, Bak@NP .@SENT #pmid=11733350 CLDN1 CTNNB1 Biological Context: immunoflourescence/confocal microscopy expression@NN of@IN epithelial@JJ intercellular@JJ TJ@NP protein@NNS (@( occludin@NP ,@, ZO-1@JJ ,@, claudin @card@@CD ,@, and@CC JAM@NP )@) and@CC subjacent@JJ AJ@NP (@( beta-catenin and@CC E-cadherin@NN )@) protein@NNS be@VBD examine@VVN by@IN immunoflourescence/@JJ confocal@JJ microscopy@NN ,@, immunohistochemistry@NN ,@, and@CC Western@JJ blot@VVG .@SENT #pmid=11814546 SLC6A3 DRD4 Biological Context: allele positive@JJ finding@NNS of@IN association@NN of@IN the@DT dopamine transporter DAT1 @card@@CD bp@NN allele@NN (@( allele@NN @card@@CD )@) and@CC the@DT DRD4 7@CD repeat@NN allele@NN with@IN clinical@JJ ADHD@NNS have@VHP be@VBN previously@RB report@VVN .@SENT #pmid=11923281 SOCS3 LY96 NONE Co-expression@NN of@IN a@DT Stat@NP inhibitor@NN ,@, SOCS3 ,@, block@VVD IFN-gamma-mediated@NP MD-2 promoter@NN activation@NN .@SENT #pmid=12032158 PIK3CG HIF1A Modality: show the@DT expression@NN of@IN an@DT active@JJ form@NN of@IN protein@NN kinase B@NN and@CC treatment@NN of@IN cell@NNS with@IN specific@JJ inhibitor@NNS of@IN phosphatidylinositol@NN @card@@CD kinase (@( PI3K )@) ,@, MAPK@NP ,@, and@CC target@NN of@IN rapamycin@NN (@( Tor@NP )@) show@VVP that@IN/that mainly@RB PI3K and@CC to@TO a@DT lesser@JJR extent@NN TOR@NNS be@VBP require@VVN for@IN insulin-induced@JJ HIF-1alpha expression@NN .@SENT #pmid=12119409 FEN1 FEN1 Biological Context: composants: DNA Flap@NP endonuclease (@( Fen1 )@) be@VBZ require@VVN for@IN DNA@NN replication@NN and@CC repair@NN ,@, and@CC defect@NNS in@IN the@DT gene@NN encode@VVG Fen1 cause@NN increase@VVD accumulation@NN of@IN mutation@NNS and@CC genome@NN rearrangement@NNS .@SENT #pmid=12853459 NR5A2 CEL Modality: related_work: report as@IN report@VVN for@IN other@JJ LRH-1 target@NN gene@NNS ,@, the@DT nuclear@JJ receptor@NN short@JJ heterodimer@NN partner@NN repress@VVZ LRH-1 -induced@VVD CEL promoter@NN activity@NN .@SENT #pmid=12853459 NR5A2 CEL Biological Context: heterodimer as@IN report@VVN for@IN other@JJ LRH-1 target@NN gene@NNS ,@, the@DT nuclear@JJ receptor@NN short@JJ heterodimer@NN partner@NN repress@VVZ LRH-1 -induced@VVD CEL promoter@NN activity@NN .@SENT #pmid=12941691 ENDOG AIFM1 Biological Context: composants: DNA thus@RB EndoG and@CC AIF seem@VVP to@TO define@VV a@DT 'caspase-dependent@NN '@POS mitochondria-initiated@JJ apoptotic@JJ DNA@NN degradation@NN pathway@NN that@WDT be@VBZ conserve@VVN between@IN mammal@NNS and@CC nematode@NNS .@SENT #pmid=14508096 CCND1 CDK4 NONE RAP@NP also@RB prevent@VVZ cyclin -dependent@JJ kinase (@( cdk@NN )@) activation@NN ,@, inhibit@VVZ retinoblastoma@NN protein@NN (@( (@( p)Rb@NN )@) phosphorylation@NN ,@, and@CC accelerate@VVZ the@DT turnover@NN of@IN cyclin D1 that@WDT lead@VVZ to@TO a@DT deficienciy@NN of@IN active@JJ cdk4 /@SYM cyclin D1 complex@NNS ,@, all@DT of@IN which@WDT potentially@RB contribute@VVP to@TO the@DT prominent@JJ inhibitory@JJ effect@NNS of@IN RAP@NP at@IN the@DT G(1)/@NP S@NP phase@NN transition@NN .@SENT #pmid=14676629 CD44 CD44 Modality: demonstration: demonstrate together@RB ,@, these@DT datum@NNS demonstrate@VVD that@IN/that ha@NP can@MD activate@VV DC@NP independently@RB of@IN CD44 ;@: however@RB ,@, CD44 express@VVD on@IN Ag-specific@JJ T@NN cell@NNS play@VVZ a@DT critical@JJ role@NN in its@PP$ interaction@NN with@IN DC@NP and@CC resultant@JJ expansion@NN of@IN T@NN cell@NNS .@SENT #pmid=14749532 CAV3 CAV3 NONE we@PP describe@VVP the@DT alteration@NN of@IN dysferlin expression@NN and@CC localization@NN in@IN skeletal@JJ muscle@NN from@IN a@DT patient@NN with@IN raise@VVN serum@NN creatine@NN kinase@NN (@( hyperCKaemia@NN )@) ,@, whose@WP$ reduction@NN of@IN caveolin 3 be@VBZ cause@VVN by@IN a@DT CAV3 P28L@NP mutation@NN .@SENT #pmid=15544331 CCR3 CCL11 NONE similarly@RB ,@, a@DT soluble@JJ analogue@NN of@IN CCR3 (@( CROSS(5)-N(3)E3(3@NP )@) )@) bind@VVZ to@TO eotaxin @card@@CD ,@, @card@@CD ,@, and@CC @card@@CD but@CC not@RB to@TO MCP-1 .@SENT #pmid=15615697 SRC FYN Biological Context: composants: kinase Studying@NP normal@JJ human@JJ keratinocytes@NNS (@( NHKs@NP )@) ,@, here@RB we@PP demonstrate@VVP strong@JJ expression@NN of@IN the@DT Src family@NN kinase@NNS Src ,@, yes@UH ,@, and@CC Fyn ;@: Src family@NN kinase-dependent@JJ stimulation@NN of@IN Tyr @card@@CD by@IN EGF ;@: and@CC potent@JJ inhibition@NN of@IN NHK@NP proliferation@NN and@CC migration@NN by@IN two@CD Src family@NN kinase@NN inhibitor@NNS PP1@JJ and@CC PD173952@JJ .@SENT #pmid=15683714 ACE AGTR1 Biological Context: isoprostane angiotensin II@NP specifically@RB stimulate@VVZ F2 -isoprostane@NN production@NN through@IN activation@NN of@IN the@DT AT1 receptor@NN .@SENT #pmid=15744665 RHO C3 Biological Context: cardiac cell on@IN the@DT other@JJ hand@NN ,@, inhibition@NN of@IN Rho -dependent@NN integrin@NN signal@VVG by@IN treatment@NN of@IN cardiac@JJ cell@NNS with@IN exoenzyme@NN C3 result@VVD in@IN immediate@JJ up-regulation@NN of@IN cardiac@JJ connexin@NN transcript@NN level@NNS at@IN early@JJ differentiation@NN stage@NNS .@SENT #pmid=15817676 PIK3CG ARF6 Modality: demonstration: show we@PP also@RB show@VVP that@IN/that Arf6 couple@NNS CD16 to@TO the@DT lipid-modifying@VVG enzyme@NNS phosphatidylinositol4phosphate@NN @card@@CD kinase type@NN I@NN alpha@NN (@( PI5KIalpha@NP )@) and@CC phospholipase@NN D@NP (@( PLD@NP )@) that@WDT be@VBP involve@VVN in@IN the@DT control@NN of@IN granule@NN secretion@NN ;@: Arf6 ,@, but@CC not@RB Rho family@NN small@JJ G@NP protein@NNS RhoA and@CC Rac1 ,@, be@VBZ require@VVN for@IN receptor-induced@JJ PI5KIalpha@NP membrane@NN target@VVG as@RB well@RB as@IN for@IN PI5KIalpha@NP and@CC PLD@NP activation@NN .@SENT #pmid=15817676 PIK3CG ARF6 NOT Biological Context: composants: membrane we@PP also@RB show@VVP that@IN/that Arf6 couple@NNS CD16 to@TO the@DT lipid-modifying@VVG enzyme@NNS phosphatidylinositol4phosphate@NN @card@@CD kinase type@NN I@NN alpha@NN (@( PI5KIalpha@NP )@) and@CC phospholipase@NN D@NP (@( PLD@NP )@) that@WDT be@VBP involve@VVN in@IN the@DT control@NN of@IN granule@NN secretion@NN ;@: Arf6 ,@, but@CC not@RB Rho family@NN small@JJ G@NP protein@NNS RhoA and@CC Rac1 ,@, be@VBZ require@VVN for@IN receptor-induced@JJ PI5KIalpha@NP membrane@NN target@VVG as@RB well@RB as@IN for@IN PI5KIalpha@NP and@CC PLD@NP activation@NN .@SENT #pmid=15890643 CXCL16 JUN NONE CXCL16 promoter-reporter@NN activity@NN be@VBD increase@VVN by@IN constitutively@RB active@JJ c-@NN Fos and@CC C-@NP Jun and@CC decrease@VVD by@IN dominant@JJ negative@JJ or@CC antisense@NN c-@NN Fos and@CC c-@NN Jun .@SENT #pmid=15955834 JUN TGFB1 Modality: demonstration: show it@PP have@VHZ be@VBN show@VVN that@IN/that the@DT activate@VVG protein@NN 1@CD (@( AP-1 )@) (@( Jun -@: Fos )@) complex@JJ mediate@VVN autoinduction@NN of@IN TGF-beta1 and@CC its@PP$ binding@JJ activity@NN be@VBD essential@JJ for@IN promote@VVG chondrogenesis@NN of@IN mesenchymal@JJ cell@NNS ,@, whereas@IN Sox9 be@VBD identify@VVN as@IN an@DT essential@JJ transcription@NN factor@NN for@IN chondrogenesis@NN of@IN embryonic@JJ mesenchymal@JJ cell@NNS .@SENT #pmid=16492140 PRKAA2 STK11 Biological Context: phosphorylation T-loop threonine residue of@IN the@DT @card@@CD human@JJ AMPK -related@JJ protein@NN kinase family@NN member@NNS ,@, @card@@CD can@MD be@VB activate@VVN follow@VVG phosphorylation@NN of@IN their@PP$ T-loop@NP threonine@NN residue@NN by@IN the@DT LKB1 complex@NN .@SENT #pmid=16569770 GIMAP4 CASP Modality: observation_experiment: find we@PP have@VHP find@VVN that@IN/that Gimap4 accelerate@VVZ the@DT execution@NN of@IN programmed@JJ cell@NN death@NN induce@VVN by@IN intrinsic@JJ stimulus@NNS downstream@JJ of@IN caspase @card@@CD activation@NN and@CC phosphatidylserine@NN exposure@NN .@SENT #pmid=16648628 EGF EGFR Biological Context: composants: kinase treat@VVG the@DT neuron@NNS with@IN the@DT G3-conditioned@NP medium@NN rapidly@RB increase@VVD the@DT level@NNS of@IN phosphorylated@JJ EGF receptor@NN (@( pEGFR@NN )@) and@CC phosphorylated@JJ extracellular@JJ signal-regulated@JJ kinase@NN (@( perk@NN )@) ,@, indicate@VVG an@DT activation@NN of@IN EGFR -mediated@VVD signal@VVG pathway@NNS .@SENT #pmid=16754682 TLR4 LY96 Biological Context: immunoprecipitation the@DT direct@JJ bind@VVG of@IN SP-A@NP to@TO the@DT recombinant@JJ soluble@JJ form@NN of@IN extracellular@JJ TLR4 domain@NN (@( sTLR4@NN )@) and@CC MD-2 be@VBD detect@VVN use@VVG solid-phase@NN binding@JJ ,@, immunoprecipitation@NN ,@, and@CC BIAcore@NP .@SENT #pmid=16828070 NFATC1 SRC Modality: observation_experiment: result conclusion@NNS :@: these@DT result@NNS support@VVP a@DT cardioprotective@JJ role@NN for@IN calcineurin mediate@VVN by@IN NFAT-dependent@JJ induction@NN of@IN iNOS@NNS expression@NN and@CC co-operativity@NN between@IN calcineurin and@CC Src .@SENT #pmid=17317667 WRN TAT Modality: negation: absence Overexpression@NN of@IN wild-type@NN WRN transactivates@VVZ the@DT HIV-1@JJ long@JJ terminal@NN repeat@NN (@( LTR@NP )@) in@IN the@DT absence@NN of@IN Tat ,@, and@CC WRN cooperate@VVZ with@IN Tat to@TO promote@VV high-level@JJ LTR@NP transactivation@NN .@SENT #pmid=17380122 RGS12 NGF Modality: demonstration: show here@RB ,@, we@PP show@VVP that@IN/that RGS12 associate@NNS with@IN the@DT nerve@NN growth@NN factor@NN (@( NGF )@) receptor@NN tyrosine@NN kinase TrkA ,@, activate@VVN H-Ras@NP ,@, B-Raf@NP ,@, and@CC MEK2@NP and@CC facilitate@VVZ their@PP$ coordinate@VVN signal@VVG to@TO prolonged@JJ ERK@NP activation@NN .@SENT #pmid=17449173 XIAP XAF1 Biological Context: situationBiolo: tumor transcriptional@JJ downregulation@NN of@IN the@DT putative@JJ tumor@NN suppressor@NN gene@NN XIAP -associated@VVN Factor@NP 1@CD (@( XAF1 )@) by@IN promoter@NN methylation@NN have@VHZ be@VBN show@VVN to@TO relate@VV to@TO tumor@NN progression@NN of@IN gastric@JJ and@CC bladder@NN cancer@NN .@SENT #pmid=17449173 XIAP XAF1 Biological Context: bladder transcriptional@JJ downregulation@NN of@IN the@DT putative@JJ tumor@NN suppressor@NN gene@NN XIAP -associated@VVN Factor@NP 1@CD (@( XAF1 )@) by@IN promoter@NN methylation@NN have@VHZ be@VBN show@VVN to@TO relate@VV to@TO tumor@NN progression@NN of@IN gastric@JJ and@CC bladder@NN cancer@NN .@SENT #pmid=17519035 TACR1 EYA1 Modality: negation: absence in@IN the@DT absence@NN of@IN NK1R ,@, the@DT matrix@NN Nkx2-5_02@NP have@VHD a@DT predominant@JJ participation@NN drive@VVG 8@CD transcript@NNS ,@, which@WDT include@VVZ those@DT involve@VVN in@IN cancer@NN (@( EYA1 ,@, Trail@NP ,@, HSF1 ,@, and@CC ELK-1@JJ )@) ,@, smooth-to-skeletal@JJ muscle@NN trans-differentiation@NN ,@, and@CC Z01@NP ,@, a@DT tight-junction@NN protein@NN ,@, expression@NN .@SENT #pmid=17583730 COPS5 RAD1 Modality: show we@PP provide@VVP evidence@NN that@IN/that Jab1 physically@RB associate@NNS with@IN the@DT @card@@CD complex@NN ,@, and@CC show@VVP that@IN/that this@DT association@NN be@VBZ mediate@VVN through@IN direct@JJ interaction@NN between@IN Jab1 and@CC Rad1 ,@, one@CD of@IN the@DT subunits@NN of@IN the@DT @card@@CD complex@NN .@SENT #pmid=17640527 CAV1 AKAP5 Modality: demonstration: show here@RB ,@, we@PP show@VVP that@IN/that CaV1 @card@@CD interact@VVZ directly@RB with@IN AKAP79 /@SYM @card@@CD ,@, which@WDT bind@VVZ both@DT PKA@NP and@CC the@DT Ca2 +/@NN calmodulin-activated@JJ phosphatase@NN calcineurin (@( Can@NP )@) .@SENT #pmid=18218627 CDK9 MYC Modality: observation_experiment: determine we@PP determine@VVD that@IN/that cyclin-dependent kinase 9 (@( CDK9 )@) ,@, the@DT kinase subunit@NN of@IN positive@JJ transcription@NN elongation@NN factor@NN b@SYM (@( P-TEFb@NP )@) complex@NN ,@, regulate@VVZ transcriptional@JJ elongation@NN of@IN C-@NP myc and@CC be@VBZ present@JJ in@IN transcription@NN pre-initiation@NN complex@NNS form@VVN on@IN the@DT C-@NP myc promoter@NN ,@, which@WDT emphasize@VVZ a@DT common@JJ mechanism@NN of@IN elongation@NN control@NN between@IN HIV-1@NP and@CC C-@NP myc gene@NNS .@SENT #pmid=18286540 FGF18 FGFR3 Modality: hypotheses: indicate our@PP$ datum@NNS indicate@VVP that@IN/that FGF18 and@CC FGFR3 be@VBP involve@VVN ,@, possibly@RB as@IN partner@NNS ,@, in@IN the@DT control@NN of@IN intestinal@JJ precursor@NN cell@NN proliferation@NN .@SENT #pmid=18286540 FGF18 FGFR3 Biological Context: intestinal precursor our@PP$ datum@NNS indicate@VVP that@IN/that FGF18 and@CC FGFR3 be@VBP involve@VVN ,@, possibly@RB as@IN partner@NNS ,@, in@IN the@DT control@NN of@IN intestinal@JJ precursor@NN cell@NN proliferation@NN .@SENT #pmid=18339881 HOXC6 CD44 Modality: perform we@PP have@VHP perform@VVN genome-wide@JJ localization@NN analysis@NN to@TO identify@VV promoter@NNS bind@VVN by@IN HOXC6 in prostate@NN cancer@NN cell@NNS .@SENT #pmid=18339881 HOXC6 CD44 Biological Context: situationBiolo: cancer we@PP have@VHP perform@VVN genome-wide@JJ localization@NN analysis@NN to@TO identify@VV promoter@NNS bind@VVN by@IN HOXC6 in prostate@NN cancer@NN cell@NNS .@SENT #pmid=18404646 GMNN CDT1 Modality: observation_experiment: identify Geminin be@VBZ a@DT recently@RB identify@VVN novel@NN protein@NN that@WDT play@VVZ a@DT critical@JJ role@NN in@IN prevent@VVG abnormal@JJ DNA@NN replication@NN by@IN bind@VVG to@TO and@CC inhibit@VVG the@DT essential@JJ replication@NN factor@NN Cdt1 .@SENT #pmid=18461673 EPHX1 GSTM1 Modality: hypotheses: suggest conclusion@NN :@: although@IN none@NN of@IN the@DT test@VVN gene@NN polymorphism@NNS be@VBD significantly@RB relate@VVN to@TO an@DT increase@VVN risk@NN of@IN COPD@NN alone@RB ,@, our@PP$ result@NNS suggest@VVP that@IN/that the@DT homozygous@JJ exon@NN 3@CD mutant@JJ variant@NN of@IN EPHX1 gene@NN in@IN the@DT combination@NN with@IN GSTM1 null@NN genotype@NN be@VBZ a@DT significant@JJ predictor@NN of@IN increase@VVN susceptibility@NN to@TO COPD@NN in@IN the@DT Slovak@JJ population@NN .@SENT #pmid=18514056 IRF2 PIAS4 Modality: demonstration: show here@RB we@PP show@VVP that@IN/that IRF2 interact@VVZ with@IN the@DT SUMO-E3@NP ligase@NN PIASy and@CC be@VBZ sumoylated@JJ in@IN vivo@RB .@SENT #pmid=19015945 LMNA LMNA Modality: related_work: know Most@NP HGPS@NP case@NNS be@VBP cause@VVN by@IN a@DT mutation@NN in@IN the@DT gene@NN LMNA ,@, which@WDT lead@VVZ to@TO the@DT synthesis@NN of@IN a@DT truncated@JJ precursor@NN of@IN lamin a@DT know@VVN as@IN progerin@NN that@WDT lack@VVZ the@DT target@NN sequence@NN for@IN the@DT metallopotease@NN FACE-1 /@SYM ZMPSTE24 and@CC remain@VVZ constitutively@RB farnesylated@JJ .@SENT #pmid=19080330 EPAS1 MVD NONE the@DT expression@NN of@IN EPAS1 be@VBZ correlate@VVN with@IN that@DT of@IN VEGF@NP and@CC MVD .@SENT #pmid=19141585 CDKN1A MEN1 NONE conclusion@NN :@: rare@JJ germline@NN mutation@NN in@IN any@DT among@IN 4@CD of@IN the@DT 7@CD CDKIs@NP (@( p15@NP ,@, p18@JJ ,@, p21 ,@, and@CC p27@JJ )@) be@VBZ a@DT probable@JJ cause@NN of@IN MEN1 or@CC of@IN some@DT related@JJ state@NNS .@SENT #pmid=19208833 RHOB CDKN1A Modality: demonstration: show we@PP show@VVP here@RB that@DT up-regulation@NN of@IN RhoB be@VBZ a@DT critical@JJ step@NN in@IN PPARgamma-mediated@JJ activation@NN of@IN p21 -induced@JJ cell@NN stasis@NN .@SENT #pmid=8400238 S100A8 S100A9 Biological Context: myelomonocytic MRP8 and@CC MRP14 be@VBP two@CD Ca(2+)-binding@NP protein@NNS of@IN the@DT S-100@NP family@NN express@VVD by@IN myelomonocytic@JJ cell@NNS .@SENT #pmid=8672239 SERPINE1 HLTF Biological Context: situationBiolo: vitro in@IN vitro@NN transcription@NN from@IN the@DT Pai @card@@CD promoter@NN in@IN HeLa@NP cell@NN extract@VVZ be@VBD inhibit@VVD by@IN HLTF antibody@NNS and@CC by@IN the@DT HLTF DNA@NN binding@JJ domain@NN .@SENT #pmid=8943565 ITK LCK Modality: demonstrate with@IN the@DT use@NN of@IN different@JJ Jurkat@NP cell@NN mutant@NNS it@PP be@VBD demonstrate@VVN that@IN/that CD2 -mediated@VVD activation@NN of@IN EMT require@VVN expression@NN of@IN LCK ,@, but@CC not@RB require@VV surface@NN expression@NN of@IN the@DT CD3@NP zeta@NN chain@NN .@SENT #pmid=9164480 XPC RAD23B NONE XP@NP group@NN C@NP protein@NN (@( XPC )@) and@CC a@DT human@JJ homologue@NN of@IN RAD23@NP ,@, HHR23B ,@, have@VHP previously@RB be@VBN show@VVN to@TO copurify@VV in@IN a@DT tightly@RB associate@VVN complex@NN .@SENT #pmid=16936209 AIRE LTB NONE expression@NN of@IN the@DT transcription@NN factor@NN Aire ,@, implicate@VVN in@IN enhance@VVG promiscuous@JJ thymic@JJ expression@NN of@IN tissue-specific@JJ antigen@NNS ,@, fall@VVD to@TO very@RB low@JJ level@NNS after@IN a@DT few@JJ passage@NNS but@CC increase@VVN 20-fold@NN upon@IN exposure@NN to@TO an@DT agonistic@JJ anti-@NN lymphotoxin B@NP antibody@NN ,@, concurrent@JJ with@IN 2.5-fold@JJ enhanced@JJ insulin@NN expression@NN .@SENT #pmid=17010942 CYP2C8 CYP2C9 Biological Context: yeast although@IN all@DT of@IN the@DT recombinant@JJ human@JJ CYP2C8 ,@, CYP2C9 and@CC CYP2C19 express@VVD in@IN yeast@NN cell@NNS catalyze@VVD tolbutamide@NN p-methylhydroxylation@NN ,@, the@DT kinetic@JJ profile@NN of@IN CYP2C8 be@VBD most@RBS similar@JJ to@TO that@DT of@IN P450@NP M-2C@NP .@SENT #pmid=17074692 CDKN2A KIT Biological Context: situationBiolo: tumor this@DT study@NN be@VBD design@VVN to@TO determine@VV the@DT expression@NN of@IN p16 ,@, p53@CD ,@, and@CC CD117 in@IN gastrointestinal@JJ tract@NN endocrine@NN tumor@NNS .@SENT #pmid=17074692 CDKN2A KIT NOT Modality: related_work: study this@DT study@NN be@VBD design@VVN to@TO determine@VV the@DT expression@NN of@IN p16 ,@, p53@CD ,@, and@CC CD117 in@IN gastrointestinal@JJ tract@NN endocrine@NN tumor@NNS .@SENT #pmid=17142008 NTRK1 NTRK2 Modality: observation_experiment: find we@PP find@VVD increase@VVN NGF and@CC BDNF protein@NN level@NNS ,@, associate@VVN with@IN elevated@JJ TrkA and@CC TrkB expression@NN ,@, in@IN the@DT hippocampus@NN ,@, entorhinal@JJ cortex@NN ,@, olfactory@JJ lobe@NNS and@CC subventricular@JJ zone@NN (@( SVZ@NP )@) ,@, brain@NN area@NNS play@VVG a@DT key@JJ role@NN in@IN the@DT production@NN and@CC migration@NN of@IN new@JJ divide@VVG cell@NNS .@SENT #pmid=17204104 NF1 NF2 NONE neurofibromatosis type@NN 2@CD (@( NF2 )@) be@VBZ an@DT autosomal@JJ dominant@JJ disorder@NN that@WDT be@VBZ cause@VVN by@IN inactivate@VVG mutation@NNS or@CC a@DT loss@NN of@IN both@DT allele@NNS in@IN the@DT NF2 tumor-suppressor@JJ gene@NN .@SENT #pmid=17287217 DPP4 CAV1 Modality: demonstration: show use@VVG soluble@JJ caveolin -1-Fc@NN fusion@NN protein@NN ,@, we@PP now@RB show@VVP that@IN/that caveolin @card@@CD be@VBZ the@DT costimulatory@JJ ligand@NN for@IN CD26 ,@, and@CC that@DT ligation@NN of@IN CD26 by@IN caveolin @card@@CD induce@VVZ T-cell@NN proliferation@NN and@CC NF-kappaB@NN activation@NN in@IN a@DT T-cell@NN receptor/@NN CD3-dependent@JJ manner@NN .@SENT #pmid=17761951 AR UXT NONE Androgen receptor trap@VVN clone-27@JJ (@( ART-27 )@) be@VBZ a@DT cofactor@NN that@WDT bind@VVZ to@TO androgen receptor (@( AR )@) amino@NN terminus@NN and@CC modulate@VVZ AR -dependent@NN transcription@NN .@SENT #pmid=17900300 BTK FCGR3B Biological Context: composants: monocyte CVI@NP patient@NNS ,@, who@WP have@VHP normal@JJ expression@NN of@IN Btk ,@, show@VVD reduce@VVN expression@NN of@IN CD16 and@CC CD32@NN on@IN monocyte@NNS .@SENT #pmid=17961202 TNF TLR2 Biological Context: situationBiolo: tumor in@IN this@DT study@NN ,@, we@PP demonstrate@VVP that@IN/that the@DT proinflammatory@JJ cytokine@NN tumor@NN necrosis@NN factor-alpha@NN (@( TNF -alpha@NN )@) enhance@VVZ TLR2 expression@NN in@IN microglia@NN ,@, whereas@IN interleukin-1beta@NN have@VHZ no@DT significant@JJ effect@NN .@SENT #pmid=17961202 TNF TLR2 NOT Modality: related_work: study in@IN this@DT study@NN ,@, we@PP demonstrate@VVP that@IN/that the@DT proinflammatory@JJ cytokine@NN tumor@NN necrosis@NN factor-alpha@NN (@( TNF -alpha@NN )@) enhance@VVZ TLR2 expression@NN in@IN microglia@NN ,@, whereas@IN interleukin-1beta@NN have@VHZ no@DT significant@JJ effect@NN .@SENT #pmid=18026139 EGF CDK2 Modality: demonstration: show here@RB we@PP show@VVP that@IN/that epidermal@JJ growth@NN factor@NN (@( EGF )@) activate@VVN p53@NN in@IN a@DT phosphatidylinositol-3@JJ kinase -dependent@JJ way@NN ,@, and@CC thus@RB induce@VVD the@DT cyclin -dependent@JJ kinase inhibitor@NN p21 (@( Cip1 )@) in@IN primary@JJ rat@NN hepatocytes@NNS .@SENT #pmid=18086889 ARID1A SMARCA4 Modality: hypotheses: suggest these@DT study@NNS suggest@VVP BAF250a be@VBZ a@DT necessary@JJ facilitator@NN of@IN BRG1 -mediated@JJ chromatin@NN remodeling@NN require@VVN for@IN SWI/@NP SNF-dependent@NP transcriptional@JJ activation@NN .@SENT #pmid=18086889 ARID1A SMARCA4 Biological Context: chromatin these@DT study@NNS suggest@VVP BAF250a be@VBZ a@DT necessary@JJ facilitator@NN of@IN BRG1 -mediated@JJ chromatin@NN remodeling@NN require@VVN for@IN SWI/@NP SNF-dependent@NP transcriptional@JJ activation@NN .@SENT #pmid=18196275 PHOX2B BMP4 Biological Context: organisme: mouse here@RB ,@, we@PP show@VVP that@IN/that mouse@NN trunk@NN neural@JJ crest@NN cell@NNS can@MD differentiate@VV into@IN autonomic@JJ neuron@NNS express@VVG mammalian@JJ achaete-scute@NNS homolog@NN 1@CD (@( mash1@NN )@) ,@, Phox2b ,@, tyrosine@NN hydroxylase@NN ,@, and/@NN or@CC dopamine-beta-hydroxylase@NN in@IN the@DT absence@NN of@IN bone@NN morphogenetic protein (@( BMP)-4@NP .@SENT #pmid=18602245 NPY CTNS Modality: hypotheses: suggest these@DT datum@NNS suggest@VVP that@IN/that injury-induced@JJ NPY may@MD modulate@VV the@DT excitability@NN of@IN CTNs ,@, and@CC thus@RB ,@, play@VV a@DT role@NN in@IN the@DT transmission@NN of@IN neuropathic@JJ sensation@NN follow@VVG median@JJ nerve@NN injury@NN .@SENT #pmid=18667515 CXCL9 CXCR3 Biological Context: situationBiolo: damage specifically@RB ,@, intracellular@JJ IFN-gamma@NNS produce@VVN by@IN activate@VVN hepatic@JJ gammadeltaT@NN cell@NNS interact@VVZ with@IN hepatocytes@NNS to@TO mediate@VV hepatic@JJ CXCL9 production@NN ,@, with@IN the@DT consequent@JJ accumulation@NN of@IN CXCR3 -bearing@VVG gammadeltaT@NN cell@NNS in@IN the@DT liver@NN to@TO cause@VV acute@JJ liver@NN damage@NN without@IN vector@NN clearance@NN .@SENT #pmid=18667515 CXCL9 CXCR3 Biological Context: liver specifically@RB ,@, intracellular@JJ IFN-gamma@NNS produce@VVN by@IN activate@VVN hepatic@JJ gammadeltaT@NN cell@NNS interact@VVZ with@IN hepatocytes@NNS to@TO mediate@VV hepatic@JJ CXCL9 production@NN ,@, with@IN the@DT consequent@JJ accumulation@NN of@IN CXCR3 -bearing@VVG gammadeltaT@NN cell@NNS in@IN the@DT liver@NN to@TO cause@VV acute@JJ liver@NN damage@NN without@IN vector@NN clearance@NN .@SENT #pmid=18753381 CBL RET NONE surprisingly@RB ,@, Cbl @card@@CD overexpression@NN dramatically@RB stabilize@VVZ activate@VVN Ret and@CC enhance@VVZ neuronal@JJ survival@NN ,@, even@RB though@IN Cbl -family@RB E3@JJ ligases@NNS normally@RB function@VVP to@TO trigger@VV RTK@NP downregulation@NN .@SENT #pmid=18814950 TPO MYB Modality: hypotheses: indicate conclusion@NNS :@: these@DT finding@NNS establish@VV that@DT miR150@NN downmodulates@VVZ C-@NP Myb level@NNS ,@, and@CC because@IN TPO affect@VVZ miR150@JJ expression@NN ,@, our@PP$ result@NNS indicate@VVP that@IN/that ,@, in@IN addition@NN to@TO affect@VVG MK@NN progenitor@NN cell@NN growth@NN ,@, TPO downmodulates@VVZ C-@NP Myb expression@NN through@IN induction@NN of@IN miR-150@NN .@SENT #pmid=18937977 BCR MYC NONE because@IN C-@NP myc be@VBZ a@DT downstream@JJ gene@NN of@IN both@DT Notch@NP signal@VVG and@CC BCR signal@VVG ,@, and@CC GSI@NP block@VVD C-@NP myc expression@NN in@IN the@DT presence@NN of@IN hDll1@NN and@CC anti-IgM@NN ,@, Notch@NP signal@VVG might@MD interact@VV with@IN BCR signal@VVG at@IN the@DT level@NN of@IN C-@NP myc expression@NN to@TO regulate@VV proliferation@NN and@CC apoptosis@NN of@IN B-lymphoma@NP cell@NNS .@SENT #pmid=7539757 CD40 BCL2L1 Modality: demonstration: show we@PP show@VVP here@RB that@DT ligation@NN of@IN CD40 rapidly@RB induce@VVZ the@DT appearance@NN of@IN the@DT bcl-XL protein@NN in@IN WEHI-231@JJ ,@, while@IN stimulation@NN via@IN sIgM@NN ,@, sIgD@NNS ,@, CD5 or@CC CD45 receptor@NNS ,@, or@CC with@IN phorbol@NN ester@NNS plus@CC ionomycin@NN do@VVZ not@RB .@SENT #pmid=7836442 NTRK1 NGF Modality: negation: absence analysis@NN of@IN gp75@JJ diffusion@NN coefficient@NNS indicate@VVZ that@DT mutate@VVN gp75@NN and@CC TrkA molecule@NNS may@MD form@VV a@DT complex@NN ,@, even@RB in@IN the@DT absence@NN of@IN the@DT ability@NN to@TO bind@NN NGF with@IN high@JJ affinity@NN .@SENT #pmid=9426155 PRL NGF Modality: hypotheses: suggest at@IN least@JJS during@IN short-term@JJ treatment@NN NGF increase@VVD the@DT total@JJ number@NN of@IN cell@NNS express@VVG prolactin (@( PRL )@) mRNA@NN and@CC enlarge@VVN the@DT cytoplasmic@JJ area@NN occupy@VVN by@IN PRL mRNA@NN but@CC do@VVD not@RB affect@VV the@DT number@NN of@IN cell@NNS and@CC the@DT cytoplasmic@JJ area@NN contain@VVG PRL ,@, suggest@VVG that@IN/that NGF recruit@VVZ lactotrophs@NNS express@VVG PRL mRNA@NN but@CC not@RB yet@RB PRL .@SENT #pmid=9582259 PTS ADCYAP1 Modality: observation_experiment: result we@PP conclude@VVP that@IN/that spinal@JJ cord@NN injury@NN result@NNS in@IN response@NNS that@WDT be@VBP regionally@RB and@CC temporally@RB unique@JJ to@TO PTS @card@@CD and@CC could@MD affect@VV the@DT delivery@NN of@IN blood-bear@VVN PACAP to@TO the@DT CNS@NP .@SENT #pmid=9582259 PTS ADCYAP1 Biological Context: blood we@PP conclude@VVP that@IN/that spinal@JJ cord@NN injury@NN result@NNS in@IN response@NNS that@WDT be@VBP regionally@RB and@CC temporally@RB unique@JJ to@TO PTS @card@@CD and@CC could@MD affect@VV the@DT delivery@NN of@IN blood-bear@VVN PACAP to@TO the@DT CNS@NP .@SENT #pmid=9720924 PTK2 BCAR1 NONE by@IN analyze@VVG FAK -deficient@NN (@( FAK -/@NN -@: )@) cell@NNS transiently@RB express@VVG Cas mutant@JJ protein@NNS ,@, we@PP demonstrate@VVP here@RB that@IN/that the@DT Src@NP homology@NN 3@CD (@( SH3@NP )@) domain@NN of@IN Cas be@VBZ indispensable@JJ for@IN adhesion-mediated@JJ Cas phosphorylation@NN in@IN this@DT mutant@JJ cell@NN line@NN .@SENT #pmid=9851803 CYP17A1 T Modality: demonstration: show CYP17 gene@NN transcription@NN have@VHZ recently@RB be@VBN show@VVN to@TO be@VB activate@VVN by@IN SF-1@JJ (@( steroidogenic@JJ factor-1@NN )@) bind@VVG to@TO a@DT cyclic@JJ AMP-responsive@JJ sequence@NN within@IN the@DT promoter@NN region@NN of@IN the@DT gene@NN ,@, and@CC inhibit@VVD by@IN COUP-@NP TF bind@VVG to@TO the@DT sequence@NN .@SENT